Valentine's Day date - The Baby-Sitters Club
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Mary Anne and Dawn are hopeful that their parents got engaged and will announce it and this family dinner. They want to become stepsisters.

When Richard announces they went because he won a case, Mary Anne was bitterly disappointed. She became down on Valentine's Day and Logan was nervous about asking her to be his girlfriend.

He bought her a bracelet, and she was so happy, she accepted. Mary Anne then became overwhelmed because her friends were so excited that she was the first one to have a boyfriend. Kristy had good advice --to take care of herself first.

Kristy's mom is starting to see a specialist about having a baby. She wants Kristy to bring home some of Claudia's chocolate because she's hormonal. Claudia brings more when she babysits the next day and has to help Karen with her family tree. Karen talks about the crying lady she keeps hearing.

Mary Anne and Logan feel awkward t the couple's only table. He's got plans for their first date on Valentine's Day.  Mary Anne hates that her friends treat her differently now that she's dating Logan.

Mary Anne can't believe her dad gave her permission to go on a date, but Richard thinks Logan is a nice kid.

Logan and Mary Anne run into Richard and Sharon at Salvatore's on their date. Mary Anne is tired of things being so formal so she suggests a double date.

Logan is embarrassed he didn't bring enough money.

At Kristy's, she finds her mom hormonal and overwhelmed, and crying.

At home, Mary Anne tells her dad she hates how awkward things have become with Logan. He suggests they be friends who like each other. She asks about him and Sharon.

Mary Anne and Richard are moving into the Schafers for a week.

The Baby-Sitters Club
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The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Kristy: I’m happy for you…
Mary Anne: Why do I feel a but coming?
Kristy: Remember you are number one always and then we are number two, and your dad is number three so I guess he’s number four.

Logan: I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend today. I got you this bracelet. But it can totally wait until Friday.
Mary Anne: No! I mean, not no! Don't wait until Friday. Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend.