Helen checks on Peggy - Sweet Magnolias
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Kyle is working on the video game and pretending he is a gnome with Sophie. Maddie looks relieved that Kyle is having fun again.

Cece used the fact that her younger siblings can't play on broken playground equipment to get petition signatures. She wishes she had friends like the Magnolias.

Dana Sue and Ronnie try to talk to Annie, but she is embarrassed. Dana Sue and Ronnie can't agree on what the sex meant to them either.

Helen and Erik go to Charleston to see an IVF specialist, and she's terrified that something will go wrong.

Ty wants to push himself with reps to get stronger. Cal says he needs to be patient and explore other options. He reminds Ty he isn't defined by one thing.

Annie still feels traumatized by seeing her parents having sex and is telling Jackson she hates that her parents are sneaking around. Dana Sue gets angry Annie is sharing their dirty laundry.

Jackson apologizes to Dana Sue for making Annie late and asks permission to take her on an actual date.

Cal and Maddie attend the charity ball and run into his old friend, Jodi. She tells Maddie about Cal's ex while he's taking photos.

Ty sees Kyle and Sophie having fun and still wishes he had good friends.

Ronnie asks what is holding Dana Sue back. He thinks they should try marriage counseling.

Jackson asks Annie out on an actual date.

Helen and Erik start making out on the pier. Erik wants to keep things slow without rushing into bed.

Cece and Ty break up.

The ladies have enough signatures to get rid of the Mayor. Helen tells Peggy the news. The ladies celebrate at Sullivan's. A glass breaks, and someone falls.


Sweet Magnolias
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Sweet Magnolias Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

And for you, apparently.

Dana Sue; It must be very confusing for you. Annie

I am not okay. I am not fine or resolute or blissful and I want to be all of those things. I've always had a goal and achieved it. There was nothing I could not do once I set my mind to it.
