Survivor Round Tables

Survivor Round Table: "Keep Hope Alive"

Survivor Round Table: "Keep Hope Alive"

Russell Hantz was sent to Redemption Island far earlier than anticipated. Our Round Table writers break down the impact and discuss their thoughts on the first edition of Survivor's latest twist.
Posted in: Reality TV
Survivor Round Table: "You Own My Vote"

Survivor Round Table: "You Own My Vote"

Did Boston Rob and his alliance make the right decision? Is Russell's arrogance too much this time? Our Round Table writers answer these pressing questions and more this week.
Posted in: Survivor
Survivor Round Table: "Company Will Be Arriving"

Survivor Round Table: "Company Will Be Arriving"

A self proclaimed pawn was sent home this week on Survivor. With the chess analogy fully in hand, our Round Table writers debate which pawn should have been home and what chess pieces the other players represent.
Posted in: Survivor
Survivor Round Table: "Pulling the Trigger"

Survivor Round Table: "Pulling the Trigger"

After a Survivor episode where many of the castaways couldn't keep their mouths shut, our Survivor Round Table writers were hesitant to be too verbose, but rose to the challenge anyway.
Posted in: Survivor
Survivor Round Table: "Young At Heart"

Survivor Round Table: "Young At Heart"

The 21st season of Survivor started last night with some big twists and surprise castaways. Our Round table writers are eager to break down the ramifications in the opening edition of TV Fanatic's Survivor Round Table.
Posted in: Survivor

Survivor Quotes

I have two little green men protecting me.


It was a little bit like Grant and I were back in school and we got busted by the principal.

Boston Rob