So you want to watch Supernatural online. Good news! We at TV Fanatic have made it very easy to watch Supernatural online by offering several solutions. Click around now!

An Unlikely Deal - Supernatural
Watch Supernatural Season 13 Episode 13
"Devil's Bargain"
Original Air Date:

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 13, Lucifer strikes an unlikely deal with a local faith healer named Sister Jo, while Sam, Dean and Castiel search for him.

Sister Witches - Supernatural
Watch Supernatural Season 13 Episode 12
"Various & Sundry Villains"
Original Air Date:

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 12, Sam and Dean need help from a powerful ally after sister witches Jamie and Jenny steal a powerful book of spells.

Searching For Her Niece - Supernatural
Watch Supernatural Season 13 Episode 11
Original Air Date:

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 11, when Donna's niece, Wendy, is kidnapped by a man who sells human parts to monsters, she goes to Sam and Dean for help.

Claire Novak - Supernatural
Watch Supernatural Season 13 Episode 10
"Wayward Sisters"
Original Air Date:

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 10, when Sam and Dean go missing, Jody Mills calls upon Claire, and others, to help her find the guys before it's too late.

Jack and Kaia - Supernatural
Watch Supernatural Season 13 Episode 9
"The Bad Place"
Original Air Date:

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 9, Jack enlists the help of a dream walker to find a way to save Mary. Read on to find out if he succeeds.

A Locator Spell - Supernatural
Watch Supernatural Season 13 Episode 8
"The Scorpion and the Frog"
Original Air Date:

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 8, Sam and Dean agree to steal a mysterious trunk belonging to a demon in exchange for a spell to track down Jack.

The Search For Jack - Supernatural
Watch Supernatural Season 13 Episode 7
"War of the Worlds"
Original Air Date:

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 7, with Asmodeus hot on their trail, Sam and Dean encounter a familiar foe when they continue their search for Jack.

A Western Town - Supernatural
Watch Supernatural Season 13 Episode 6
Original Air Date:

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 6, Castiel, joins Jack, along with Sam and Dean as they head off to a sleepy old western town to investigate a murder.

Help From Billie - Supernatural
Watch Supernatural Season 13 Episode 5
"Advanced Thanatology"
Original Air Date:

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 5, Sam and Dean get assistance from Billie when they investigate a case involving the ghost of a demented doctor.

A Series of Murders - Supernatural
Watch Supernatural Season 13 Episode 4
"The Big Empty"
Original Air Date:

On Supernatural Season 13 Episode 4, Sam, Dean and Jack investigate the mystery surrounding the murders of grief counselor Mia Vallens patients.

When you watch Supernatural online you will get to know brother Sam and Dean Winchester. Their mother was killed when Sam was just a baby by a demon and their father went on a hunt to find the creature that did it. That means that the brothers had only each other and a lot of cheap hotel rooms in which to grow up. Big brother Dean looked after his little brother, and Sam was able to have a relatively normal upbringing under the circumstances. That changed when John Winchester went missing and Dean had to enlist his brother's help, ripping him out of college, to roam the country in search of clues leading to his father. When you watch Supernatural online you will be with the brothers in their search and meet the creatures they run into and eradicate along the way. They have brushes with demons, the king of hell (Crowley), Death (himself) and even Lucifer. The brothers are renowned for their work and both feared and revered, depending upon who you ask. When you watch Supernatural online you'll also meet their angel friend, Castiel, who works along side them with the king of hell. If it sounds strange, it isn't. You need to watch Supernatural online now. You have work to do!

Supernatural Quotes

I'll keep fighting. I'll keep swinging til I got nothing left.


Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.
