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On this episode of Supernatural…

Sam, Dean, and Kevin rescue Kevin's mom from the demons.

She decides to go with them on their journey to find the word of God tablet about the demons.

While interrogating for information about the tablet, Dean has flashbacks of more cutthroat questioning tactics in Purgatory in order to find Castiel.

He and Benny do find Castiel, who reveals that he ran away from Dean in order to prevent the Leviathan from going after Dean.

Sam, Dean, Kevin, and Mrs. Tran learn that the Word of God is being auctioned off along with other mythical artifacts.

Mrs. Tran offers her soul for the Word of God, but Crowley intervenes and takes over her body. Dean is prepared to kill her.

Crowley escapes with the tablet.

Kevin runs away with a comatose Mrs. Tran.

Dean has a final flashback of Purgatory in which Castiel is calling out desperately for Dean.

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Supernatural Season 8 Episode 2 Quotes

Say it and I will kill you, your children and your grandchildren.


Kevin: Have you ever seen "The Exorcist?
Linda: Is that what you've been doing all year? Watching television?