Supergirl News

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 10 Review: Suspicious Minds

Supergirl Review: Project Morae

On Supergirl Season 4 Episode 10, Supergirl faces her biggest threat yet, Colonel Haley. Will she and Alex find a way to protect her secret identity?
Posted in: Reviews
17 'Ships That Need to Sail in 2019

17 'Ships That Need to Sail in 2019

There are some relationships that just really need to get a move on. With 2018 coming to a close, we listed 17 'ships that need to sail during the new year!
Posted in: Siren
21 Breakout Characters of 2018

21 Breakout Characters of 2018

We are taking a look at the biggest breakout characters from 2018. Who stood out among the rest this year? Check out our list and see if you agree!
Posted in: All American
Supergirl Season 4 Episode 8 Review: Bunker Hill

Supergirl Review: Who is Supergirl?

On Supergirl Season 4 Episode 8, Kara found out more about Nia's nightmares while Manchester Black got his revenge on Ben Lockwood. Did he succeed?
Posted in: Reviews

Supergirl Quotes

Braniac-5: Well the good news is, her mind is active and alert.
Alex: Oh, thank God.
Braniac-5: The bad news is, she is very angry.
Winn: Well, I'm sure she loves being trapped inside a mind prison.

You had me fooled, Danvers. I thought you were a soldier. But then I find this out. All the lies you must have told. You have undermined everything that we stand for, all to protect your own sister. Supergirl.

Colonel Haley