Still Up News

Still Up Season 1 Episode 7 Review: The Horse

Still Up Review: The Horse

On Still Up Season 1 Episode 7, a hobby horse comes back to bite Lisa, while Danny gets a surprising second chance, and Veggie starts to spiral. Check out our review!
Posted in: Still Up
Still Up Season 1 Episode 6 Review: The Road Trip

Still Up Review: The Road Trip

On Still Up Season 1 Episode 6, when Lisa gets tipsy and then gets lost during a ladies’ night, it's Danny who goes all out to help her get home. Read our review!
Posted in: Still Up
Still Up Season 1 Episode 5 Review: Veggie Veggie Bing Bong

Still Up Review: Veggie Veggie Bing Bong

On Still Up Season 1 Episode 5, Lisa embarks on a complicated camping trip with Veggie’s family while Danny endures a bathroom repair that just won't end! Read our review.
Posted in: Still Up

Still Up Details

Bonded by insomnia, best friends Lisa and Danny stay connected to each other late into the night and find their way through a world of wonderfully weird surprises as their relationship deepens.

Apple TV+
Number of Episodes
Start Date
Antonia Thomas, Craig Roberts

Still Up Quotes

Lisa: I saw this ad for some new pills called Snoozers. Extra strength for proper insomniacs. I should see if I can get some while I’m here.
Danny: No, don’t. They don’t knock you out. They just make everything taste like cabbage.

Lisa: So, is that your plan for the next month? Every time he’s outside, you’re just going to crawl around in the dark?
Danny: Yeah, I’m committed now. And, you know, on the bright side, think of all the money I’ll save on lightbulbs.