Together Again - Star Trek: Picard
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Troi supports Jack as he confronts the Red Door. She asks him to tell her about the vines. She prompts him to remember what they mean to him. With effort, he calls the Crimson Arboretum on Riverton-4. He comments that the thousands of flowers were very different and yet they were all connected beneath the soil. He sees this as a perfect state of being.

Troi interprets this to mean he’s looking for connection. She offers to open the Red Door and reveal his truth. She walks to the door, opens it, and jolts awake, breaking their connection.

Stunned, she stares at Jack for a moment before clumsily excusing herself. Jack demands to know what she saw through the door. She rushes away without answering him.

Troi finds Beverly and Picard. When they ask what’s happened, we see her opening the door and seeing a Borg cube ship.

Part Nine: “Võx” Picard hears his address to Starfleet as Locutus as he processes what Troi has told them. He refutes it. Beverly points out Jack’s never been assimilated. Troi is firm that the voices in his head are Borg.

Beverly postulates that Picard never had Irumodic Syndrome. Whatever symptoms he’d had were the result of the Borg effect on him and he had passed the Borg element onto Jack.

Picard insists on telling Jack himself. Before he can go, Troi reminds him and Beverly that there are protocols upon discovering anything or anyone who can pose a threat to Starfleet and the Federation. Troi points out that Jack is the weapon Vadic was searching for. His ability to enter the minds of others and control them makes him a danger.

Picard finds Jack pacing in his quarters. He shares his experience of being assimilated. He explains that the effects of his assimilation caused the symptoms of Irumodic Syndrome and ultimately killed him but the seed the Borg planted in his genetics has been passed onto Jack.

Jack processes the news. Picard tells him they must take precautions because he knows what the Queen can make one do and has seen what Jack is capable of doing.

Picard suggests Jack go to K’Slava on Vulcan. Jack describes it as an institution where they’ll mindmeld and lobotomize him. He refuses to go and insists he can handle it himself.

When he tries to leave, he’s met with two armed officers. He confronts Picard about choosing duty to Starfleet over his responsibilities of being a father. With little effort, he takes psychic control of the guards who raise their weapons on Picard.

In the corridor, Beverly chases after Jack. The guards hold her off and Jack tells her that he’s going to find the Borg Queen, get answers, and then prove to everyone who and what he really is.

Stealing a shuttle, he lays in a course heading by listening to the voice in his head and warps away.

Beverly is determined to find something to help Jack and leaves Picard alone in the ready room. Data enters and reports the shuttle is not trackable. Wordlessly, he comforts Picard with a hand on his shoulder.

Geordi contacts Picard and tells him to come down to sickbay for more information on Jack.

Jack finds the end of a transwarp conduit at the coordinates he laid in. Suddenly, he holds his head as the Borg Queen’s cube arrives.

In sickbay, Geordi explains that when Picard was assimilated, new Borg genetic code was written and stored inside him, undetectable by the technology they had 35 years ago.

Alton Soong must have found the Borg code when he was transitioning Picard to his synth body. That’s when he decided to hold onto Picard’s biological remains and store them at Daystrom Station.

While Picard as Locutus was a receiver for the voice of the Borg collective and could still hear them after he’d had his Borg components removed, Jack appears to be a transmitter.

Picard questions how Jack could assimilate ensigns who had never been assimilated.

The team realizes the Borg and changelings have been working together from the beginning and their objective is to attack the Federation at the Frontier Day event when the entire fleet is gathered together in one place.

At the Frontier Day celebration, the Enterprise-F departs space dock under the command of Admiral Shelby. She makes a speech about how the launch of the Enterprise NX-01 would lead to the birth of Starfleet.

Jack beams aboard the cube ship. A voice welcomes him home.

The Titan’s crew watches Shelby wax poetic about how the fleet is now completely integrated. Fleet Formation synchronizes all the starships, having them act as one.

Picard points out the irony of her endorsing Fleet Formation, a very Borg-like development for the fleet.

The Borg Queen addresses Jack and names him Võx. Jack confronts her and prepares to kill her, but is unable to.

The Queen triumphs and encourages Jack to resist no longer and allow her to assimilate him.

On the Titan, Geordi and Data share their discovery with Beverly that the changelings have entered Picard’s Borg-altered DNA code into the transporter code. Beverly discovers the code in the Titan’s transporter architecture. She realizes by adding this code to all the starships the changelings infiltrated, they’ve added the Borg DNA code to anyone who uses the transporters, turning them into receivers for Borg direction.

On the bridge, the Titan’s systems are taken over as Fleet Formation is activated. Picard orders Esmar to break into Shelby’s address in order to warn them all.

As Picard makes contact with Shelby and Starfleet, the connection is lost. An energy spike is detected as the Borg ship begins to transmit. Seven feels the transmission and fights the directive.

In sickbay, Data, Geordi, and Beverly realize the changeling-Borg assimilation only activates in species up to a certain point in cognitive development. In humans, the cutoff is age twenty-five. The conclusion is the youngest members of the crew will be susceptible to the Borg signal.

On the bridge, Esmar, Mura, and both La Forge sisters are affected.

Sidney turns and announces they are Borg. Over the ship’s coms, Geordi hears and is devastated.

Shelby’s voice is heard announcing they are being attacked and her crew is being turned. On visual, she is seen briefly being surrounded and killed by crew members.

Esmar voices the order to eliminate all unassimilated crew. Riker, Picard, Seven, and Shaw escape in the incoming Borg-affected crew.

Data prevents Geordi from rushing to his daughters. He convinces Geordi they need a plan.

Esmar takes the captain’s chair on the bridge and announces the Titan has been taken. First ending.

On the turbolift, Riker, Picard, Seven, and Shaw receive a message from Captain Benbassat of the Excelsior on channel 99-D that they have retaken the ship from the Borg. Just as the captain announces this, he realizes the ship’s controls are not responding and the Excelsior is being positioned in front of the fleet in formation, which Riker noted earlier looks like a firing squad.

The Excelsior is destroyed by Borg-controlled Starfleet vessels.

Shaw realizes 99-D is a maintenance channel. That inspires him to redirect the turbolift to the maintenance deck where there is no one posted but there should be a maintenance shuttle they can use to escape the ship.

Picard orders any other non-assimilated crew to the maintenance sub-deck.

The Borg announce the fleet has been assimilated. Starfleet is now Borg. Second ending.

The gang reunites on the maintenance sub-deck. Picard vows to Geordi that they’ll save his daughters.

Data proposes they take a shuttle as the shuttles are autonomous and not included in Fleet Formation mode. Geordi has an even better idea.

Borg-affected crew arrive on the maintenance sub-deck and attack. Shaw and Seven take the lead returning fire to cover the rest escaping into the shuttle. Shaw is hit. Seven and Raffi are at his side as he dies. With his last breath, he gives the con to Seven.

In the shuttle, the Enterprise-D crew watch the Borg-controlled fleet as it targets the Space Dock with the goal to eliminate all planetary defenses.

Geordi brings the shuttle to the Fleet Museum. He reveals he’s restored the Enterprise-D. It’s in Hangar 12.

Back on the bridge of the Enterprise-D together for the first time in decades, they all commit to saving the Federation and their family from the Borg-changeling alliance.

Data lays in the course to Earth and Picard orders, “Engage.”

Star Trek: Picard
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Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Jack: I don’t know what they are. Or what they mean.
Troi: Symbols have nothing but meaning.

Nothing is more elusive than a door the mind doesn’t wish to open.
