Smash News

Smash Review: Houston, This is a Problem

Smash Review: Houston, This is a Problem

Was Marilyn: The Musical a smash for investors? That was the main question at the heart of this Smash episode, which focused far too much on Julia's insulting affair.
Posted in: Reviews
Smash Review: Poisonous Ivy

Smash Review: Poisonous Ivy

On tonight's Smash, the workshop begins with Ivy as Marilyn. It is not without a hitch as Ivy feels threatened by Karen. Will Ivy succeed in getting Karen booted from the show?
Posted in: Reviews
Smash Review: Secrets and Sacrifices

Smash Review: Secrets and Sacrifices

On this week's Smash, Karen heads home to Iowa, while Ivy continues her relationship with Derek. Julia has a secret of her own, will it threaten the show?
Posted in: Reviews

Debra Messing Joins Cast of Smash

Debra Messing is coming after Glee. The actress has signed on to star in Smash, an upcoming musical based around a group of Broadway performers.
Posted in: TV News

Smash Quotes

Sam: Ivy's doing the nasty with the Dark Lord, huh?
Dennis: That's what I said.
Karen: Who's the Dark Lord?
Sam: Sauron himself, Derek.

Eileen: If that were a real Degas, what would you pay for it?
Julia: That? ... It is a real Degas.
Eileen: Yeah.

Smash Music

  Song Artist
Song Never Give All the Heart Smash Cast
The National Pastime Smash Cast iTunes
Song Beautiful Smash Cast