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11 TV Geniuses Who Resorted To Crime

11 TV Geniuses Who Resorted To Crime

It's always fun to see genius characters on our television screens, but it's always more interesting when they use their wits on committing a crime. Check out our list of criminal geniuses!
Posted in: White Collar

Sherlock Quotes

Somebody loves you! If I had to punch that face, I'd
avoid the nose and teeth too.

Irene Adler

Mrs. Hudson: It's a disgrace, sending your little brother into danger
like that! Family is all we have in the end, Mycroft Holmes!
Mycroft Holmes: Oh shut up, Mrs. Hudson!
Sherlock and John: [furious] Mycroft!
Mycroft Holmes: [long pause] Apologies.
Mrs. Hudson: Thank you.
Sherlock: Though, do indeed shut up.