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Fiona's world is rocked by the return of Sean, so she responds in the best way possible ... by ignoring him. She heads to the diner and realizes she is late to let her new tenant move in. 

She shows up and lets him in, and is shocked by the amount of tech he has. Then, he has her back over because his tech blows the breaker in the apartment building. 

Fiona visits Sean and has it out with him. He says that he's sorry and hands over money for the wedding, and Fiona flips out when it emerges that he is married to a new wife. 

Fiona goes to the motel and tells the woman that he is a horrible man, and then realizes it's the wrong woman she spoke to. 

Lip tried to get laid but found that it was difficult while staying sober and wound up sleeping with the woman from the car shop. 

Elliot hit out at Ian after he allowed the girl from the shelter to sleep over because she was in trouble. 

Carl tried to find a way to get revenge on a man stealing from veterans in the area and used a trap to catch him. 


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Shameless Season 8 Episode 4 Quotes

Debbie: Neil kicked me out so he could live with that conniving physical therapy slut, Lakeyshia, so I'm moving back in. And I don't want to hear your mouth or anyone else's about it because I am not asking for permission. I'm a Gallagher, and I can live here anytime I please until I'm back on my feet. And I don't want to talk about how much it's going to cost because I'm going to pay my fair share.
Fiona: I was just going to say hi.

Fiona: Grab your blowtorch, my grown ass druggie tenant got his head stuck in a fence.
Debbie: Okay, you paying?
Fiona: Yeah, same shit money as usual.
Debbie: As soon as I pass my welding qualification final, my fee goes up to not shit money.