Shadowhunters Multi-Show

These Book-to-TV Adaptations Deserve a Reboot

These TV Adaptations Deserve a Reboot

There are many book-to-TV adaptations out there. Some have been great, but not all have done their books justice. Find out which TV adaptations we think deserve a reboot!
Posted in: Editorials
19 Underappreciated Leading Ladies

19 Underappreciated Leading Ladies

Don't you hate it when your favorite character doesn't get the love she deserves? We've rounded up 19 underappreciated leading ladies. Do you agree with them?
Posted in: Scream
21 Interspecies Romances

21 Interspecies Romances

True love has no limitations. You don't have to be from the same planet or background to fall for each other. We created a list of 21 interspecies romances!
Posted in: The Good Place
17 Cute Color-Conscious Couples

17 Cute Color-Conscious Couples

It's 2019. Time to put that old fashioned way of thinking behind you. Here are a list of 17 of our favorite interracial couples. Did your favorite make the list?
Posted in: Scandal
13 Characters Who Ruined the Moment

13 Characters Who Ruined the Moment

Why do characters always have to walk in on our favorite couples at the worst moment? Check out 13 characters who interrupted the best scenes!
Posted in: TBBT
23 Best First Kisses of All Time

23 Best First Kisses of All Time

Not everyone watches TV for the romance, but it sure does make it a lot more fun! We've crafted a list of the 23 best kisses of all time. Did your favorite make the list?
Posted in: Arrow

Shadowhunters Quotes

Alec: We've got this.
Isabelle: We've got this?
Alec: It's no problem. We're Lightwoods.

What's done is done. I'm a vampire. You're a shadowhunter. Maybe that's supposed to mean something, but you're still you, and I'm still me. Sort of. Enough, anyway.
