Making a Sacrifice - Shadowhunters
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Meliorn is badly injured trying to attack Lilith. 

Isabelle uses her Heavenly Fire and almost dies. Everyone uses Clary's alliance rune to link themselves to her and take some of the fire into themselves. It works and Isabelle is cured. 

Clary and Jace, Simon and Isabelle, and Magnus and Alec are all seen happily in bed together. 

Simon and Isabelle admit that nothing feels weird or wrong about them finally being together. 

Magnus and Alec plan their wedding. 

Jonathan kills the Seelie Queen. 

Clary and Isabelle decide to become parabatai. 

Luke comes to the Institue to visit Clary.

Clary sees a ball of light and follows it through the Institute. The light turns into her mom.

Jocelyn warns clary that the angel Raziel will take away her gift if she keeps abusing her power and creating her own runes. 

Magnus invites Lorenzo to his wedding. 

Jonathan attacks the LA Institue where Max and Robert Lightwood are. Robert sends a message to Clary that Jonathan is going to take down every Institue in the world and save New York for last. 

Clary portals to Toronto and creates her own rune to kill Jonathan. Her runes immediately start to fade. 

Magnus and Alec get married. 

Clary tells Jace she loves him and leaves him a letter before she loses her runes and her memories. 

The show jumps ahead one year. 

Alec has become the Inquisitor, Isabelle is Head of the Institute, and Jace continuously sneaks out to check up on Clary. 

Jace goes to Clary's art show and she's able to see him. She follows him outside and remembers his name. She asks him what the tattoos on his neck are. 

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Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 22 Quotes

What are these tattoos on your neck?


Alec: The love I have for you...
Magnus: Is a love that knows no bounds.