Saying Goodbye - Sex Education
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Jean is adamant about righting her wrongs so she wants Otis to bring Maeve to dinner. Maeve is initially against it but agrees.

She goes to college with Otis to register but hears that her mother's ashes are ready to be collected and goes to retrieve them.

She goes to Otis' and finds Jean and Joanna having the mother of all arguments. In a flashback, we learn that their mother's boyfriend hit on Joanna and Jean stopped it.

Jean wants to help Joanna but wants her to agree to a contract that keeps them doing sisterly things.

Joanna leaves after they get into a fight.

Things are awkward between Jean and Maeve, but they quickly begin the process of getting to know each other. Jean observes that she knows Maeve has had to raise herself from a young age.

They bond and Maeve says she was happy her mom died, but Jean says that's a natural reaction.

Otis is trapped in an elevator with O and they're forced to confront how they hate each other but O tells him she tried to be a better person after what she did to Ruby.

In the end, O tells him that he might be having issues in the bedroom because he's worried he'll get his heart broken.

Otis returns home and has dinner and Maeve tells him she's going back to America.

She gives Aimee and Isaac her blessing to date and they're happy.

Viv realizes Beau is being too possessive when he grabs her wrist when she talks to a boy at school.

Jackson shows up to help her as he realizes the extent of what's going on.

Sex Education
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Sex Education Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Jean: Um, can you chat for a minute?
Otis: Uh, if this is about O, then no.
Jean: It's not. The show's on hiatus until that stuff about, you know, her being deleted gets worked out.
Otis: Canceled, Mum.
Jean: That's not actually why I called at all. I was just wondering if you and Maeve wanted to come over for dinner tonight. It would be very relaxed. Um, you know, laid-back. Not intense at all.
Otis: Okay, let me ask. Mum's wondering if you wanna come for dinner.
Maeve: No, I don't think that's a good idea.
Jean: I just... I thought, Maeve and I got off on the wrong foot, and... well, I'd like to get to know her better.
Otis: She wants to get to know you better.
Maeve: Fine.
Otis: Yeah? That sounds really nice.
Jean: Oh.
Otis: We'll come over later.

Roz: Here you go. Your mother's finest. How are you feeling about your exam?
Jackson: I just got an email saying that there's no record of my sperm donor.
Roz: I thought we agreed you were going to wait until after your exams.
Jackson: I know you guys are hiding something from me.
Roz: Jackson, we just want you to do well. It's your final year at college. You need to stay focused.
Jackson: Mum, can you tell me what's going on?
Roz: There's nothing going on. It's just a mix-up.