Last Goodbye - Sex Education
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Maeve returns to Wallace and is shocked to get a phone call that a publisher has read her book.

Ellen sent it to her and gave her an opportunity she couldn't refuse. Maeve calls out Thomas for his treatment of her and he says that it's tough seeing these new people at the beginning.

He then says he will do better.

Otis tries to fix things with Eric, but everyone comes together to locate Cal, who has been missing overnight.

The school comes together.

Eric walks out of his baptism because the church doesn't want the fundraiser money or to accept him.

He sees God, who tells him to spread the word and that he's her messenger.

Eric finds Cal and the two bond. Jackson shows up and he's very upset.

Ruby helps locate Cal's bag and moves out to the bin area to locate everything.

When Cal returns, the fundraiser goes ahead and Eric says they can use the proceeds for Cal's top surgery.

Aimee and Isaac grow closer and she tells him about her intimacy issues and how she's still working on herself. He says it's fine.

Connor wins the election, but it's passed to Otis when he says no, and then O comes back, thanks Ruby saying people deserve second chances.

When Otis tries to apologize to Ruby, she says she's done with him and doesn't need any friends.

Jean takes her old job back and Joanna calls in and opens up about being abused at 12 years old.

Joanna returns home to Jean's, but Dan isn't far behind.

Otis reads Maeve's letter in which she says that he helped her express herself and she'll always be thankful for that.

Viv calls out Beau's behavior and threatens to report him if he bothers her again.

Jackson goes to his dad's, but he slams the door on him and Roz later tells him she had an affair with a married man who wanted nothing to do with the child.

Michael apologizes to Adam and tells him he's this way because he hates himself, but he loves his son, and wants to repair things.



Sex Education
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Sex Education Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Jean: Thank you for coming.
Dan: It's all good.
Jean: You might wanna have a seat.
Dan: Sure, okay. Maybe I'll just...
Jean: Are you all right? Go ahead and use the table.
Dan: Thank you. Hi, baby. Thanks, so what's up?

Dear Otis. You know I hate soppy romantic stuff. So don't get your hopes up. This isn't a love letter. When we first met, I didn't trust anyone. I thought if I kept everybody out, I'd stop myself from being hurt or let down, which is what I was used to. Then we set the clinic up together, and I realized that most of the people who came to us for help really just needed connection. And maybe I wasn't so different. You have the rare ability to make people feel truly seen. And you did the same for me. It was this and your relentless optimism about human beings that gave me the courage to start opening myself up to other people. For the first time in my life, I didn't feel alone, which allowed me to imagine something bigger for myself. I want you to know that however much it fŐ˝cking hurts that we can't be together, I won't ever close myself off again. Meeting you cracked my heart open, and now it's forever changed. And because of that, I will carry a part of you with me wherever I go. I think what I'm trying to say is thanks for everything, dickhead.
