Please Be a Mother - Sex Education
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It's been three days and Anna tells Aimee and Otis they should return to college.

Initially, they're apprehensive, but Mave tells them she's going to see her brother about the funeral anyway.

At school, Ruby isn't talking to Otis and hasn't planned for the debate, but Otis tells her about Maeve's mom dying.

Ruby then helps out and Aisha and PK give her dirt on O. This helps Otis... until O brings up his father's book and makes him out to be sexist.

O wins the debate.

Eric apologizes to Otis for the club night and Otis says it's okay, but tells him about the night with Ruby. Eric says the longer he leaves it the bigger the problem it will be.

Maeve goes to the funeral parlor and her and Sean debate what's the best. Later, she sees Sean getting drugs and lashes out at him.

She steals tequila and prepares for her date with Otis. Jean goes off on Otis for bailing on school and he tells her to start acting like a mother.

At the doctor, Jean refuses anti-depressants, despite Joanna saying she's not been herself.

Jean reaches out to get them.

Maeve and Otis go to the cinema but Joanna crashes their date and gets so drunk they get thrown out.

Vivian and Beau's date is derailed by Jackson who shows up after confronting his parents about his father.

Bea wants to go but Viv leaves with him.

Otis and Maeve break into the school and Otis tells Maeve the truth about Ruby and they try to escape when they're caught but they run into each other.

The final scene shows Jean at the school looking at Maeve.

Sex Education
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Sex Education Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

Anna: Morning. I'm taking Elsie to school. Are you guys going to college? It's been three days. So unless your parents tell me it's okay, I think you need to go.
Aimee: Yeah, my mum's been asking, but rock 'n' roll. I don't care. I'm not scared.
Otis: I can take another day. It'll be fine.
Maeve: Yeah. No, no, no. I'm gonna go to the funeral home with Sean today, so you two should go back to college.
Aimee: Okay, I am actually really scared. I'll go get ready.

Jackson: Well, yeah. My parents don't talk about donor stuff, you know, like, ever. They made me this book when I was a kid. That was the end of the conversation. But I wanna know, you know, like... where I come from.
Viv: Are you gonna try and tell your parents that you're doing this?
Jackson: Yeah, I will at some point.
Viv: Jackson, you have to tell them.
Jackson: Yeah, I will.