Ricken & Mark - Severance  Season 1 Episode 9
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Dylan switches the override on.

Innies Irving, Helly, and Mark wake up on the outside.

Mrs. Selvig asks Mark if he's alright. She tells him maybe he should talk to his sister, as it's an important decision. Mark says he feels a little woozy and needs to go to the bathroom. He heads the wrong way, and she points him in the right direction.

Mark walks around the party.

Irving awakens in front of a painting and looks to his side to find many paintings of the same thing -- a long dark hallway with a small red light and white door at the end. He looks around his apartment.

Helly wakes up at the Lumon gala. Natalie is speaking with her, asking how many drinks she's had. Helly says just the one. Natalie tells her they have to get downstairs, as Helly is on in twenty minutes, and Natalie expresses how grateful the board is for this.

Natalie greets Gabby Arteta, and the three women head down in the elevator together. Natalie introduces Helly to Gabby as Helena Eagan.

Dylan strains, continuing to hold the switches by himself.

Mark finds the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror. Devon calls for him outside the door, asking if he's okay. Mark emerges, seeing the woman with a baby. Devon explains that Rebeck smells weird and chews funny, so he'll have to be aware of that when sharing the book.

Mark looks at the baby, then at Devon, and assumes the baby is his. Awkwardly, he asks how "their" baby is doing. Devon says the baby is hungry and goes to the bathroom to pump, assuring Mark that she does want to have the life change talk with him.

Irving heads into his bedroom, meets his dog, Radar, and pets him gently.

Patton and Danise greet Mark, asking for his opinion on whether his sister should have introduced the baby during this event or held off. Mark realizes that the woman with the baby is his sister and excuses himself. Rebeck finds Mark and says she's been asked to share her book with him.

Mark excuses himself again and finds Devon. He prefaces the question by saying it might sound weird, then asks if they are close. She asks him what's going on. He wants to talk privately. Ricken's voice calls through the party, saying they are about to begin, and Devon says they can chat on the first reflection break.

Irving looks through his room and finds all his medals for service in the armed forces.

At the gala, Helly asks Gabby how many kids she has, to which Gabby responds three. They find Gabby's husband, Senator Angelo Arteta, and introduce him to Helly.

Natalie goes backstage. Helly remarks that three kids must be a lot of work, but Gabby responds that she couldn't have done it without a bit of help and wonders why anyone would want to outlaw severance.

Irving searches his closet and finds an old trunk.

Angelo says the photo display is very moving, and he expresses to Helly that her words could really make a difference. He thanks Helly and asks her to thank her father when she sees him.

A bell rings. Rebeck beckons Mark to sit in the front with her and hands him a book -- "The You You Are." Mark, awestruck, realizes Ricken is standing in front of him.

Ricken dedicates the reading to his firstborn daughter, Eleanor, and Mark realizes that Ricken is his brother-in-law. Ricken begins to read.

Mrs. Selvig sits behind Mark and asks if she can look at Rebeck's book, too.

Gabby and Angelo leave Helly. Helly looks around at the photo-projection exhibit. Pictures of her are everywhere -- photos Milchick took -- working in MDR, billed as "Helly. a severed story."

Dylan continues to hold the switches.

Irving feels in his pocket and finds the key that opens the trunk. It's his father's U.S. Navy uniform and a photo of his father. Irving lifts the top part off the trunk to reveal a secret compartment.

Ricken concludes his chapter to applause from the audience. He orders a seven-minute reflection break.

Devon catches Mark and tells him she will try to feed Eleanor again and asks him to meet her in the baby room in a few minutes. He excuses himself from Mrs. Selvig and approaches Ricken outside.

Ricken is being hard on himself for his shaking voice and stupid words.

Mark expresses how well it's going and the brilliance of his book. Ricken scoffs, telling Mark he knows how he comes across to him. Mark genuinely insists that the book changed his life. He asks if they are close

Ricken sighs, expressing regret at making Mark feel "less than" for getting the severance procedure. Ricken notes how Mark had to deal with Gemma's passing, and severance was what worked for him. Ricken mentions that he was going through old photos and found one of the four of them on a hike.

Mark asks if he has the picture. Ricken looks for it in his pockets, but then Balf arrives, telling him the neti pot is warm. Ricken excuses himself to wash his sinuses but tells Mark his words mean a lot to him.

Mark goes back inside. Mrs. Selvig expresses her concern, saying that when they hugged, he became tense. He shrugs it off, saying he didn't realize he had. She says he's still tense. Mark explains it's just parties.

Mrs. Selvig asks him if he meant what he said before about his plans. He says yes. She asks him to tell him more. Mark explains he's only uncle duty and has to find his sister. He calls her Ms. Cobel as he walks away.

Helly looks around at the photos of her, happy and smiling. She stops to look at a large photo of Mark.

Mark finds Devon. He says he really needs to talk to her, but Eleanor is having a meltdown, so Devon tells him to wait in the bedroom. Devon passes Eleanor to Mrs. Selvig while she talks to Mark. Eleanor continues to cry, and Devon returns to Mark.

Helly comes across an interview of her Outie, talking about what it means to be an Eagan.

Outie Helly (Helena) explains how the workers are family members and how her dad made her recite the nine core principles before going to bed every night. Helena explains that she took the severed job not just because of loyalty but also because it sounded awesome.

Ms. Cobel drives away as fast as she can. She frantically calls Milchick but gets no answer.

Irving goes through the secret compartment, finding newspaper clippings of severed Lumon workers' stories, one detailing an injury sustained by an Innie that Lumon did not properly communicate to his Outie.

Irving finds a list of all the severed Lumon employees, some with ages, dates of severance, and even a few addresses. He sees his name, Irving Bailiff.

Irving finds Burt Goodman, with a listed address. Also, there is a Kier city road map with X's marking the names of the other severed employees. Irving finds a piece of his own mail to figure out where he is on the map in relation to where Burt is on the map.

Helly walked through the giant photo display and heads to the bathroom to catch her breath. An assistant finds Helly and lets in her father, Jame Eagan, current CEO of Lumon. He tells her how nice she looks. He asks if she is still in pain and tells her how he cried when he heard what her Innie tried to do to her.

Jame thanks his daughter for going through with it and how proud her grandfather would be. He says one day she will sit with him at his own revolving.

He asks if she'll be alright for the speech, and Helly insists that she will. He recalls bringing home the severance chip prototype and how Helena thought it was pretty and that everybody should get one. Jame assures her that everyone will because of her.

Natalie comes to get them to head to the stage. Alone, Helly recites the compunction statement.

Irving heads out with the map and his keys. Referring to his keychain, he finds his car. He starts the engine and begins driving, clumsily, down the street, bewildered by the whole experience.

Mark assures Devon he's not messing with her. He tells her they need to get inspectors to check through every inch of Lumon. Devon tells him that Outie Mark has been trying to figure out what Lumon does.

Mark says he wants to know why his Outie put him in there. Devon explains that Outie Mark's wife died in a car accident. She explains that he had tried to keep teaching, but it didn't go well. He wanted to get a severed job to spare his alter-ego from the pain.

Mark notes that Gemma is a nice name. Devon gets teary, saying they were all close, and Gemma was great.

Irving continues to drive. Ms. Cobel speeds by, turning around the corner.

Ms. Cobel calls Milchick again. He answers, saying he's not supposed to talk to her. She tells him the OTC has been triggered and that Mark S. is now an Innie. Milchick says that's not possible. He tells her Helly is at the gala.

Ms. Cobel says she'll take care of Helly and that Milchick needs to go to the security office and shut it down.

Milchick runs to the security office and inserts his keycard, but the door won't open, thanks to Dylan's belt. Milchick calls for Dylan to let him in. Dylan yells, "Fuck you, Mr. Milchick!" and keeps holding on.

Devon suggests contacting some of Ricken's high-end journalist friends in New York instead of the police, as Lumon has their hand in so many pies. She says they need to be really careful.

Devon asks how long he has, and Mark says probably about an hour. Devon mentions that his bosses will find out, which reminds Mark to ask why Ms. Cobel is at the party. Devon doesn't know a Ms. Cobel.

Mark describes her, and Devon asks if he means Mrs. Selvig. Mark says her name is Harmony Cobel, and she works at Lumon. Devon runs out the door in a panic, searching for Mrs. Selvig and Eleanor.

Natalie leads Helly to the stage.

Irving continues to drive.

Milchick pulls out a knife and starts to cut through the belt.

Devon calls out for Mrs. Selvig, interrupting Ricken's reading. Devon heads outside and sees Mrs. Selvig's car is gone and starts screaming that she had given her Eleanor. Ricken suggests they go inside and look for the baby.

Irving arrives outside Burt's house and sees him through the window.

Milchick says the tempers were probably disappointed that Dylan left. Milchick tells Dylan he can get him any perk he wants. Dylan says he wants to remember his kid being born. Milchick tells Dylan that he has three kids, and he will tell him all their names if he just opens the door.

Ms. Cobel drives to the Lumon building. She rushes inside as her car rolls away, and the valet runs after it.

Helly confidently heads to the stage. Natalie gets her ready, telling her to stick to the talking points, and assuring her it will go well.

Irving watches Burt through the window and sees him with his partner, another man around his age.

Patton and Mark search the rooms for Eleanor. Mark finds her crying in her car seat in one of the rooms, but Patton takes the credit. Patton takes the crying Eleanor out of the room. Mark notices some framed photos of his family.

Milchick keeps sawing.

Natalie talks to the audience, explaining that Lumon is on the verge of a revolution of empathy.

Offstage, Ms. Cobel grabs Helly, asking if it's her. Helly tries to play it off, but Cobel sees through her. Helly says she is going to destroy Lumon. Cobel says it is Helly's company and that Lumon will make her friends suffer and keep them alive and in pain even when she is gone.

Helly is called to the stage.

Mark finds a wedding photo of him and Gemma -- Ms. Casey.

Irving gets out of the car and walks towards Burt's house.

Holding the photo, Mark runs to find Devon.

Milchick continues to saw.

Irving gets to Burt's door.

Helly introduces herself to the crowd as an Innie and that everything they've been told about severance is a lie.

Irving knocks on the door, calling for Burt.

Helly tells the crowd that the Innies are miserable prisoners.

Milchick cuts through the belt and bursts in, tackling Dylan.

Natalie pushes Helly off the stage.

Mark cries out to Devon that "she's alive!"

The switches turn off.

An elevator bell dings.

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Severance Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Mark: How’s our baby?
Devon: I’m going to assume that you mean that in the "It takes a village" sense, but she’s good.

I wanna remember my fucking kid being born!
