Secret Invasion Quotes

Maria: Talos.
Talos: It's me.
Maria: What the hell are you doing here?
Talos: I'm chasing him.
Maria: He was one of you.
Talos: No, he's... He... He's one of them.

Prescod: Imagine a world where information can't be trusted. Not very hard, is it? News service says one thing, website says another. Society starts to fray. All we can turn to are the people we care about. But what if those people weren't who we thought they were? What if the ones closest to us, the ones we've trusted our whole lives... ...were someone else entirely? What if they weren't even human?
Ross: Agent Prescod, respectfully... uh, what exactly are you talking about? Prescod: Chaos. And that's only the beginning. Five global terrorist strikes within the past year. Each one claimed by a different group. It's business as usual. That's precisely what they want you to think. Argentina attacks Colombia, Colombia attacks the Philippines. A violent chain reaction consuming the globe. Do you realize that the entire world is at war?
Ross: Well, the atmosphere has been tense.
Prescod: There is an architect to that tension, Agent Ross. These attacks are escalating. If they hit the soil of the major power...
Ross: Oh. So you... You think the same people are behind all of this?
Prescod: Not people... Skrulls. Come on, Ross, you know the stories. This didn't start yesterday. It started 30 years ago when the Skrulls found Earth. Carol Danvers and Nick Fury promised to find them a new planet. But now... ( Chuckles ) now they don't want just any planet, they want ours. Look, can't you see it? All these groups, they're the same. Skrulls could be anybody, anywhere, at any time. And there is only a tiny handful known to live on Earth. Ross: That's barely enough to...
Prescod: To what? You have no goddamn idea what you're talking about, Ross! There could be thousands of them, tens of thousands! And you would never know.
Ross: Okay, Prescod, let's play a little game of forest for the trees, shall we? Yes, Skrulls can shapeshift. Yes, they're looking for a new home. But, as you say, the only Skrull contact has been through Nick Fury. That means they're our allies.
Prescod: Then where is Fury?
Ross: He's on S.A.B.E.R.! God... And if I'm gonna bring him down for whatever the hell this is, I need to give him something more than just theories, I need evidence. All these other attacks, they would be nothing compared to this.
Prescod: This is the one that sets the world on fire. I stopped filing reports at the office. Don't know who I can trust anymore. Other than you...
Ross: Hey, Prescod, look, I'm here to help. Okay? So... So let me take this and I'll give the information to Fury.