Salem Reviews

Salem Review: The Ultimate Betrayal

Salem Review: The Ultimate Betrayal

On Salem, Increase opens his own house of retribution in which he tortures Tituba to get the names of the witches leading the town. She betrays the person she loves the most. Read the review for more.
Posted in: Reviews
Salem Review: At Odds

Salem Review: At Odds

On Salem. a mysterious man arrives in town requesting passage onto Mary's quarantined ship to get a parcel. However, he's not working for himself.
Posted in: Reviews
Salem Review: Lack of Evidence

Salem Review: Lack of Evidence

On Salem, Isaac is discovered to be the man who witnessed the witches in the woods... but Mary ultimately decides he will go free.
Posted in: Reviews
Salem Review: Stone Cold Mary

Salem Review: Stone Cold Mary

On Salem, Mary ensures that another innocent is hanged causing even the elder witches to question whether they have set about the right path.
Posted in: Reviews

Salem Quotes

All the world shall be yours in return; all the world.


John: Judge not, lets ye be judged.
Sibley: Who said that?
Jesus. You might have heard of him.