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A bunch of junior explorers are camping, the nature guard, Pete, falls and hurts himself.  Divya, Hank, and Evan go to check on him and he has no recollection of what happened.  They take him to the hospital to find out more about why he has amnesia.  There Hank realizes that Pete was hit by lightening.

Evan  runs into a woman named Stacy who is a storm tracker.  Divya doesn’t take her cast off. She ends up being the runner that Pete ran into the other night. They catch up to her and find out that she may have a strange bone disease that causes them to be weak.

Hank makes plans to go out with Jill for dinner, but Pete interrupts them by going out and trying to get struck by lightening again. With Stacy’s help, they find him and he ended up having a tear on his corroded artery. Stacy rides with Pete to the hospital and their love of nature forms a romantic bond.

Hank and Jill get stuck by the storm in his car. They use the emergency kit and end up having their romantic dinner.

Divya and Evan are stuck in the house together. After the power goes out, Evan admits that he doesn’t want the summer to end because that will mean she’s leaving.

The next day, Evan and Divya find Hank and Jill cuddling up in the car. Evan and Divya leave to call towing. Jank is back!

Royal Pains
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Royal Pains Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

Evan, who's to say that I'm going to get lost. And who's to say I'd want you to come to find me?


Hank: Infant formula? Really?
Evan: Yeah, I got those on sale.