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Isobel and Michael ask Sanders to tell them about their families. 

Charlie disappears and the sheriff arrests Max.

Kyle and Steph go to The Crashdown Cafe after hours, and Liz serves them. Liz tries to push them together after Steph discovers the history between Liz and Kyle. 

Kyle tells Steph he knows she's dying of a blood disease, and Steph storms out. Liz wants to try and help her with the new vaccine she's developing. 

Sanders tells Michael and Isobel how he started working for Bronson as a child. They all became a family when Nora and Louise show up. 

Nora's picture in the paper from winning a local contest gives away their location. Sanders is the only one who escapes the massacre alive. He shows Isobel and Michael a map that Nora gave him to their pods. 

Max uses his telepathy to ask Isobel for help. 

Jesse shows Alex a coded message that Tripp slipped him before he died. 

The sheriff takes Max to a restaurant and questions him about Noah's death.

She reveals that Max was the child who had behavioral issues in the group home and that the Evans would have adopted Michael if Michael hadn't been trying to calm Max down. 

Sheriff Valenti places Max under arrest. Isobel tries to use her mind control, but the yellow pollen Kyle put in her perfume prevents it. 

Michael goes to Alex, and he wonders if Tripp and Nora were on the same side. 

Max tells the partial truth to the sheriff by saying he was unconscious to do heart problems during the other kidnappings. 

Isobel, Alex, and Liz find a photo of Louise hidden in The Crashdown Cafe, proving she survived the raid. They realize that Tripp was helping Louise and Nora instead of hunting them.

Jesse listens in on their conversation. 

Sanders tells Michael that he tried to adopt him. 

Liz takes the straw from Steph's milkshake. 

Roswell, New Mexico
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Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Down the line, alien DNA could create a universal vaccine. This could end illness.


If you were the one who died, I would've fought like hell to save you too.
