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A retro TV show intro is shown of the cast, similar to Happy Days. Jughead is at the Chock'lit Shoppe typing on his typewriter.

Jughead reveals that it's 1955 in Riverdale and people have forgotten everything about Bailey's Comet. Everyone is back as juniors, Jughead is living in a train car, Cheryl's twin Julian is alive, and Betty is dating Kevin.

Many of the black residents of Riverdale went to the trial of the murder of Emmett Till. Jughead tries to speak to Tabitha; she accepts his offer of help, but she doesn't remember him.

Mary Andrews is sad looking at photos of the James Dean car crash. She wants Archie to give her his car keys because she doesn't want him to drive. Archie reluctantly gives her his keys.

Toni writes a story about Emmett Till for the Blue & Gold. Betty reveals Principal Featherhead denied every chance to write; Betty says she'll try again.

Veronica starts her first day at Riverdale High. She tells the class about why she moved to Riverdale from California and her burgeoning film career.

Veronica joins the group eating at lunch; all of the group is welcoming except for Cheryl. When Veronica reveals she hung out with James Dean and he was bisexual, Cheryl lashes out at Veronica and calls her a liar.

The teacher tells Jughead that Bailey's Comet will be passing by Riverdale in two years. The class plans to build a telescope.

Archie asks to walk Veronica home; she had agreed to let Julian Blossom take her home.

Principal Featherhead declines to publish the Emmett Till story based on the doctor's recommendation.

Betty tries getting her parents to read Toni's story on the air during their nightly broadcast. The parents think the article was well-written, but they decline because the sponsors will hate it. Betty is upset that no one seems to care about the murder.

Jughead listens to Archie while he's rebuilding his car. Jughead gets inspired to dig up the time capsule from the future; he finds the box buried and digs it up.

Jughead shows the time capsule and the items to the group, but no one believes him. He explains what happened to all of them in the future; the group thinks the future is a horrible place. Jughead tries to get the group to blow up a bomb and get Archie/Betty to kiss. Archie argues with Jughead to stop all future talk because he could get committed.

Toni tells Betty that Emmett Till's mother asked for an open casket to show people. Betty wants to see the photos.

Julian is upset Veronica is on a date with Archie; Cheryl is upset Veronica is becoming more popular. Cheryl gets a movie magazine revealing the new star of "Our Town."

While on their date, Archie tells her that his father passed away in the Korean War. He reveals he never had a serious girlfriend before.

Cheryl crashes the date and drops the magazine on the table. She lashes out about Veronica is lying about everything. Later, Veronica tells Archie the truth that her family banished her because she had been acting out and becoming a problem to them.

Veronica reveals she was there during the night James Dean died. She was in a convoy with other girls cheering James on before he died. Veronica was sent to her parent's place in Riverdale; there is no aunt and uncle she's living with.

Mary grounds Archie for going out in his car without telling her.

Veronica gets a call from her mother. Her mother dropped the call before deciding what to do for Thanksgiving.

Betty decides to publish the article after seeing the pictures in the newsletter. Toni decides to change the article into a poem to be read during the morning announcements.

Tabitha tells Jughead that she is going with her parents and the NAACP to do a tour. She asks Jughead to help her with books and homework while she's away.

Toni and Betty ask Cheryl for help with airing the poem. Cheryl agrees; Toni reads the poem over the morning announcements. Principal Featherhead is upset and lashes out at the girls; a change sparks at Riverdale High where some of the classes start talking about the murder.

Both Julian and Archie offer Veronica a ride home. Veronica declines their offers and decides to walk home.

Tabitha, the guardian angel, visits Jughead at the diner and reveals her true identity. Tabitha can't take Jughead home yet because their plan to stop the comet didn't work. Tabitha used the last of her powers to bring everyone back to a time when everyone is still alive; Tabitha is working to unravel all the timelines so that they're not dealing with an apocalyptic reality.

Tabitha begs Jughead to stop because he's causing ripples in the timeline. Tabitha plans to take away Jughead's memories so that he can live in the moment and not cause any other problems. They kiss one last time.

Jughead rushes to write down as many memories as he could, but his memory fades. He's only able to write, "bend. towards. justice."

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Riverdale Season 7 Episode 1 Quotes

Jughead: I have an idea. Now it’s a crazy one, but it might work. So short of waiting for Bailey’s Comet to return, the other way we could break through the space-time continuum is by getting Archie and Betty to make out on top of Archie’s bed. And then we blow up a bomb underneath them.
Archie: Alright Jug, that’s enough, man. Let’s go for a walk.
Jughead: You’re not gonna beat up, are you? Because you’re really violent in the future.

Cheryl: J’accuse!
Veronica: Excuse me?
Archie: Cheryl, what is your problem?
Cheryl: She is my problem, Archie. Veronica Lodge is nothing but a liar and a fraud. And I’m going to make sure the entire world knows it.