Revolution Reviews

Revolution Review: Do the Locomotion

Revolution Review: Do the Locomotion

On Revolution, Miles and Charlie board a Patriot train, while the final piece of the Patriots' plan for Willoughby comes into focus. Read our review to find out how it all goes down!
Posted in: Revolution
Revolution Review: Stands and Solutions

Revolution Review: Stands and Solutions

On Revolution, Miles and Monroe take the fight back to the Patriots and the nanotech comes up with a solution to the world's problems. Read our review to find out more!
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Revolution Review: Breaking Up

Revolution Review: Breaking Up

On Revolution, Miles and Monroe have differing opinions on their futures - but a confidential note could change everything. Read our review to find out more!
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Revolution Review: Children of Men

Revolution Review: Children of Men

On Revolution, Monroe and Miles argue over what they want as Tom and Jason continue to hunt them down for Julia's release. Read our review to find out even more shocking revelations!
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Revolution Review: What is God?

Revolution Review: What is God?

On Revolution, Charlie, Connor and Monroe plan a New Vegas heist while Tom and Jason work a new mission. Read our review to see how they made out!
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Revolution Review: Patriot Rising

Revolution Review: Patriot Rising

On Revolution, Tom and Julia are put in danger while searching for Jason and Rachel. Elsewhere, Charlie and Gene work to rid Willoughby of Typhus.
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Revolution Review: Crazy Daddies

Revolution Review: Crazy Daddies

On Revolution, Monroe works to save his son Connor from the clutches of Nunes, while Charlie and Gene try to help a friend. Read on for our review!
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Revolution Review: On The Border

Revolution Review: On The Border

On Revolution, Miles, Rachel and Monroe head south to find Monroe's son Connor. But is the reunion all it's cracked up to be? Read our review to find out!
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Revolution Review: Origins

Revolution Review: Origins

On Revolution, Aaron discovers why the nanotech chose him and Rachel and Miles confirm their feelings for each other in "Everyone Says I Love You."
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Revolution Review: Evolution

Revolution Review: Evolution

On Revolution, Aaron begins harnessing the nanites in new ways, while Monroe and Charlie head to Willoughby. Read on for our review of "Patriot Games.'
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Revolution Review: Back From the Dead

Revolution Review: Back From the Dead

On Revolution, Aaron struggles to understand how he comes back from the dead and Charlie continues following Monroe. Read on for our review of "There Will Be Blood."
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Revolution Review: Fallout

Revolution Review: Fallout

Revolution returns in a new location, with Rachel, Aaron, and Miles in a very different place from when we last saw them. Read our review to find out how everything changes!
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Revolution Review: Power Play

Revolution Review: Power Play

Turning the power back on is the least of the worries as the Revolution season finale delivers shocking twists and a death. Read our review of "The Dark Tower!"
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Revolution Review: Holding Fate

Revolution Review: Holding Fate

On Revolution, Miles deals with a traitor while Rachel does something unexplainable to gain access into the Tower. Read on for a review of "Clue."
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Revolution Quotes

80 million dollars in the bank and I would trade it all, right now, for a roll of Charmin.


Tom: To tell you the truth, when General Monroe finds out, he's gonna be irate and he might even have my head.
Danny: Let's hope.