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The Patience kids are camping 24 years ago. The man who is in charge of them isn't cool, and he doesn't believe Liv that she saw smething, i.e., a spaceship.

Things with Asta, Mike, and Liv are going crazy. Harry is crawling on the walls.

The next morning, Liv and Mike are congratulating each other for solving the foot murder. Flash back to Harry manipulating their memories.

He did a lot of manipulating.

Harry says he's a murderer murderer, so it's different. And who cares if Abigail Hayes is on the hook for it?

Ben is trying commercials to push Patience. They start talking kink when Max wanders in.

Kate brings her cousin, Carlyn, to see Harry about her knee. It's Alex Borstein. Carlyn recognizes the plans on Harry's table, and a crush is born. He falls for it.

D'Arcy's friend called a GN59, which is a girls' night out, and Carlyn is totally up for it. She mentioned Kendra, who Kate would let out when she got wild back in the old days.

Sahar and Max find the winnebago they tagged.

The dude is in a nearby cabin using a computer to track the general.

At the same time, Sahar and Max are in the trailer where Sahar is waxing Max's back.

Ben knocks Mike's zen garden onto the floor. He's so anxious that Mike has no idea what the hell is going on. Ben's trying to find a date for girls' night. Liv says she knows that Louis would love to get out for a beer. She says yes for them both.

Girls' night finds Carlyn excited to meet Harry, and he's going to use her to help him create what he needs. He sets out to be a charming alien, even if he's not as sexy or handsome as ET.

What results is the craziest attempt at flirting ever.

Kate gets chatty with the girls.

Ben tells Mike that D'Arcy kissed him. He wants to know if he should tell Kate. Mike says hell no.

The girls revisit the area where Liv saw the UFO.

The car battery runs out. She's married? She's never gotten a raise. Suddenly, they're in the office trying to get something for her.

Judy pees in a plant.

They discover that men are making double and triple what women are making, and Ben's about to be in trouble.

They go right to his bed, shining a light in his eyes. And then Kate pukes right there.

When Asta gets Harry's, he's taken over Carlyn's body. Borstein does a terrific Harry!

Sahar is trying to figure out what's going on with Max and the testosterone, and he hits her up in a deep voice.

While Harry is being Carlyn at the office, he's hit on by her boss and tosses her around in response.

Harry cannot believe that all women feel like a baby deer in the woods with a hunter on her tail.

Harry's gizmo works, but he doesn't have time to use it before Sahar and Max show up. Sahar has figured out that Harry knew about the ball and let Max keep it. She's hidden it and will not get it again.

MASH theme song accompanies D'Arcy's pamphlet drop. Women of Patience have patience no more. We demand equal pay!

When Kate says how incredible she find D'Arcy to be, Ben almost tells Kate but tells her he'll fix the pay gap instead.

Resident Alien
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Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

What's BDSM kinkplay? Did we get a new game?


Harry: You can thank me if you want.
Asta: For what?
Harry: I killed the men who killed your friend, Sam. You are welcome.
Asta: Hey, Harry? You're still a murderer.
Harry: No. I am a murderer murderer. It's very different.
Asta: You can rationalize your murderer murder all damn day, but guess what? Abigail Hodges is still accused of a murder she didn't commit.
Harry: So what? You do not even like her.
Asta: What is wrong with you? Do you really have no empathy whatsoever?
Harry [internally]: That is not what is wrong with me. That is what is right with me.
Asta: Maybe you should try putting yourself in other people's shoes.
Harry: Ugch. Other people's shoes smell like other people's feet.