Enjoying Tru - Queen Sugar
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Darla worries because Ralph Angel is taking Parthena's eviction so personally. She tries to convince him that the co-op is doing the best it can and will continue to do better.

While working with Trinh to set up a stand at the farmer's market for the co-op, he tells Trinh that he worries that Darla just doesn't get how important it is to continue his family's legacy. Trinh says she doesn't want to hear him complain about his wife, but Ralph Angel continues, saying he doesn't think Darla gets it. Darla overhears and is upset.

Darla is hurt. She points out that she's talked about how good the farmer’s market could be for the co-op several times, but Ralph Angel didn't take it seriously until Trinh offered to help. She points out that she's been with him every step of the way in trying to save and then losing the farm and helping his Aunt Vi with her pie business, but he still doubts her.

Hollywood reiterates what Darla has said and tells Ralph Angel he needs to start treating Darla as a partner, not someone he feels he needs to take care of. Ralph Angel apologizes to Darla, and they vow to do better.

Nova reaches out to Chantal to help get the word out that she's holding a traditional ring shout at the farm to draw attention to history and mass graves there. Dominic also offers help but becomes worried when he sees Nova's connection with Chantal and Mo.

Chantal tells Nova that she tends to put distance between her and her partner when things go too well. Nova admits she's been holding back with Dominic.

At the ring shout, Sam Landry shows up with the Sheriff, as he now owns the farm, but he backs off when he sees what's happening.

Billie's husband, Vince, shows up unexpectedly. He wants to know why Billie hasn't come home and what is happening. He's also confused because Billie never wanted to return to St. Jo's, and now she seems happy here. Billie says there are things she needs to share with him about her past, but she's not ready to talk about it yet.

Micah is thrilled to have sold one of his photos as an NFT for $10k, but Zane makes it clear that he's only as good as his next sale, and Micah's professor warns him not to equate money with the value of art.

Micah and Keke spend more time together. After seeing Micah's photos of him and Isaiah, Keke asks about their relationship, but Micah says they are just friends.

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Queen Sugar Season 7 Episode 3 Quotes

Prosper, you are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.


After what happened last night, we know how all our hard work can be gone in a minute.
