L - Perry and Della - Perry Mason
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Rafael, Mateo, and Sofia visit a former place where they used to live and find the McCuchteon stadium has begun construction. Mateo proposes to Sofia, and she agrees to marry him.

The trial begins, and as everyone settles in the courtroom elsewhere, the radio host Lydell hired is commentating on it.

Opening statements are made, and then witnesses are brought in. Both sides do their duties and question the witness.

Among the witnesses is a bus driver from the brothers' route.

Paul continues his investigations and talks to a councilman whose sister Brooks had injured in a car accident.

Luisa shows Perry the money the brothers had been paid to kill Brooks, hoping to help find another suspect before court resumes.

When the court resumes, the prosecution asks for recess to confer with the defense, and they offer them a deal. Della and Perry become suspicious of this deal.

Perry visits the brothers in prison, and they recount the night their sister died after their houses were torched to give way to the stadium.

Paul continues his investigations. They lead him to the man he'd been tasked with following earlier.

A new witness testifies to Rafael's fingerprints in the car, but Perry proves that the prints must have been planted.

Della and Anita go out at night to a lesbian bar, and someone watches from a distance.

Perry and Miss Aimes spend the night together.

Paul receives a call and visits the man from earlier, who has found the person who paid Mateo and Rafael to kill Brooks. Paul is forced to beat him while questioning him.

A sad Paul returns home to his wife.

Thomas calls Pete into his office and asks him some questions about Perry.

Perry returns home to find his house ransacked.

Perry Mason
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Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Join us for another hour of truth and justice. As the most important trial our city has seen in a great while commences, I ask you this; why is it only the witnesses tell the whole truth? Why is the same oath not administered to the attorneys?

Frank Finnity

Perry: What is all this? Because up until today, you were hung up on my guys, and suddenly you're the prince of mercy?
Thomas: You don't like the deal, you can let the train go by and take the chances on foot.