New Flame - Perry Mason
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District attorney gives a press briefing updating the press on the case of Brooks's murder. He reveals they had arrested two suspects. The suspects are 18 and 20-year-old brothers from a poor settlement. He delegates the case to his deputy -- Thomas.

Perry and Della visit Mr. Grice, who has a task for them.

They return to the office to find two women related to the Gallardo brothers who beg them to take their case as they claim the brothers are innocent. Perry declines to take it.

Della and the DA attend a posh party where Della tries to get him to knock down the charges on the brothers, but he refuses.

Perry sneaks into evidence storage, does some measurements on the car, and realizes the brothers might not have murdered Mr. Brooks.

He and his wife visit their son's school.

He later visits the brothers in prison and tries to confirm his theory about the shooting. He listens to their version of events.

Della visits the Gallardo women at home to return something they had left. They plead with her to take the case.

At home, Paul returns with groceries. They learn from a newspaper headline that the man he had been paid to follow had been arrested on fake charges.

Della and Anita go out and watch a wrestling match.

She returns to the office and finds Perry working on the case. They decide to take the case.

They go to Grice with a proposition that sees him parting with a lot of money as counsel fees.

Bail hearing begins for the Gallardo brothers. Thomas argues against bail, and the judge agrees.

Someone tampers with the Gallardo evidence box.

Paul shows up at the firm and is offered the job of helping investigate the case.

They begin investigating the case and follow leads, taking them to Mr. Brooks' boat. There, they run into his mistress and the corrupt cops.

Someone starts murdering witnesses in the case.

Perry Mason
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Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Savages, such as these men, have no place in our civilized society. And the evidence gathered against these men is overwhelming. Now, I've been tasked with sending a message to all who wish to do us harm.


Scary kid at night? Not a chance.
