Parks and Recreation News

Parks and Recreation Review: Nope on Knope

Parks and Recreation Review: Nope on Knope

On Parks and Recreation, Leslie is forced to filibuster a measure that wouldn't allow everyone in Pawnee to vote. Meanwhile, Andy comes back to visit April and Leslie faces an important vote.
Posted in: Parks & Rec

Parks & Rec Quotes

Tom: I meet a girl at a bar. She seems kind of into me, could go either way. I get her number. It's two days later. What do I text her?
Zach: It was nice meeting you.
Tom: No, Zach. I don't text her it was nice meeting you. I wait eight weeks and I text her, "what's crackin'?"

Ron: Who the hell is 'Fwarp'?
April: I don't know. I couldn't really hear him. It sounded like his name was Fwarp.
Ron: Get his number?
April: No.
Ron: Good girl.