Hansu Tutoring - Pachinko
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Young Koh Hansu arrives home to a lecture from his father, who then takes him to go get food.

They arrive at a fighting ring, where a buff boxer (most likely an American sailor) fights a skilled man in karate.

Koh Hansu and his father get approached by a wealthy man who wants Hansu to work for him.

The skilled karate man beats the buff boxer.

The family that Hansu works for is nice, but clearly quite privileged.

They use Hansu as more than just a tutor; he also runs some errands for them.

Hansu and his father eat outside and discuss why the Americans are more privileged than them in their own country.

Hansu's father wants him to go to America.

Hansu witnesses his father get in trouble with the man from earlier.

The man threatens his father because he stole money.

Hansu berates his father for doing it, and for doing it for a woman.

His father asks the woman for the money back, but she already spent it all.

Hansu doesn't want to go to America but wants to help is father, which causes his father to have a very strong reaction.

He demands Hansu go to America.

Hansu barges in and demands that he works for the man until the debt is paid.

Suddenly, after an intense argument, the house starts shaking.

An earthquake hits and knocks Hansu out, and leaves the house in shambles.

A few minutes later Hansu gets up and notices his father dead on the ground.

The money man helps Hansu out of the house into the world around them, which is completely destroyed by the earthquake.

The man helps him escape the city as everyone is concerned that there may be aftershocks.

The man wants Hansu to go to America and demands that he goes for his father's honor.

Hansu heads to the family's house and helps them pack, when they decide the roads won't be enough for them to get by.

They leave the bags and head to the shore on foot.

An aftershock leaves them separated and they head onto the shore without Hansu.

A few hours later, Hansu makes it to the shore and finds the American woman and her son dead.

He takes the pocket watch off of her body.

He and the man head to a small inn but they only get tea, not sake when they need it after the day they've had.

They are told that a group of Korean men is poisoning the water, and head to check if the rumors are true.

They meet a group of Korean men and send them to safety, and then a group of Japanese men approaches hunting them.

They watch as the Japanese men burn the barn the Korean men are standing in, letting the Korean men burn to death.

The man finds his family and they have an emotional reunion.

He insists Hansu still has a debt to pay from his father, but it's laced with compassion seeing as Hansu has nowhere else to go.

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Pachinko Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

...more than 100,000 lives were lost, including innocent Koreans scapegoated for the devastations afterward by Japanese vigilantes. The exact number of Koreans murdered is disputed, but many historians place the casualties in the thousands.


On September 1st, 1923, an earthquake of 7.9 magnitude erupted in the Kanto Region. More than 100,000 lives were lost...
