Claire Must Fight - Outlander
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A mom and son are robbing corpses on the battlefield, poised to kill Jamie when Claire intervenes.

Claire is angry as hell that Jamie was in the thick of the battle. He’s joking a bit about what happened, but she’s not having it. She knew he couldn’t say no, and he scared her. Jamie understands, thanking her for his life.

Ian came back unharmed. Jamie’s got a deep gouge in the palm of his hand. Claire promises he won’t die, but she has other patients who might. The British are claiming victory, but they suffered nearly twice the casualties than the Americans. Just because William was at the fort doesn’t mean he stayed. There is hope.

Before the battle, Denzell had lost only four patients. In one day, that’s increased tenfold. Claire says she carries on knowing that without her, the number would be even greater. She urges him to think of those he saved, as those numbers increased as well.

Denzell thinks that being a Quaker makes it more difficult on him, but when he questions humanity, he realizes he was incorrect. Rachel is bearing it remarkably well. Denzell wonders if all of this death is worth it. She believes it will be worth it in the long run.

Jamie wonders if Claire has to amputate any part of him. She promises to try her best to leave him with a functioning, pain-free hand. While they wait for the laudanum to take effect, he looks at her with awe. He received a visit from Colonel Johnson. He told Jamie that his work broke the British charge, and if the charge had gone through, Johnson and the others would have lost their lives.

Brianna is waiting for Roger to return. Roger’s news isn’t good. Rob took Jimmy through the stones. While Roger was gone, Brianna looked through the letters. The one about Spanish gold is missing along with the musket ball. Roger is going through the stones to find them. But wants to go with him. He’s family, and he’ll do what he can to help.

It’s been two weeks, and Jamie’s hand looks grand. When Jamie leaves, Ian wonders if Claire’s not happy with his progress, but the reason is that she’s not looking forward to Jamie fighting again. She realizes that it’s possible Jamie was always supposed to be in the battle, but it doesn’t give her comfort.

Ian shares what he’s learned on his scout. While they’re talking, Rollo eats Claire’s goose grease, which Denzell needed for a rectum injury. It’s a perfect excuse for Ian to get more and visit Rachel. Of course, he doesn’t call it rectum but arsehole. It’s funny and cute, and leads to another meet cute moment, culminating in a kiss for which he gets slapped. He’s so overcome that he apologizes in Mohawk. They stand close again, but they don’t continue.

She wonders if he knows how she feels. He says he’s worried she loves him and will die because of it. She touches him, and he says she’d better not lest he take her here and now. She’s shaken when he leaves.

A fellow approaches Claire. He’s in need of something she has for malaria and offers something for trade. He’s got laudanum and she inquires if he has more of it. He’s impressed with her attitude toward patients, but also questions whether being too honest about issues might rob people of the faith to believe they can heal. When Jamie joins them, the fellow asks what Jamie thinks about the same issue. Jamie answers with what might be a future quote from a poet.

The man turns out to be Benedict Arnold. Claire cannot believe it.

Rachel and Denzell talk about Ian. She considers not telling Denzell about what happened, but she does. She wonders how she could be in love with such a man as Ian. Denzell reminds her that while he has been put out of meeting, she has not, and if she were to marry Ian, then she would be, as well.

Claire tells Jamie about Benedict. She explains how he becomes a turncoat, and that his name will be synonymous traitors. If they don’t allow him to do it, they will not win the war, but she doesn’t know when he does it.

Daniel Morgan is telling tales to the soldiers, including why they hate the British, sharing his scarred back from the 499 lashes he received for fighting back against an officer who struck him. Jamie says he can sense a kindred spirit, and kindred of the flesh, ams well.

The second battle of Saratoga is on, with Jamie taking orders from Benedict Arnold to shoot Simon Fraser. Jamie misfires, knocking William’s hat from his head. Another man shoots Simon, and William follows. The British fall back, and the Americans charge forward on Morgan’s orders.

Jamie and the men breach the fort, and once inside, he sees William driven through with a bayonet, but it is not William. Ian is a killing machine. Jamie watches as the British flag is taken down, noting a horse with one boot. He sees Benedict on the ground, and Benedict is later being tended by Claire, who tells him he will be remembered.

He talks about someone who always leaves him out of battle, robbing him of honor and promotion. He hates the man, but I didn’t hear who he hates. Claire worries that it was a mistake to do so. Jamie tells her about nearly shooting William. His plan is to sleep until the British surrender.

A British soldier arrives. Simon has called for him. Jamie and Claire set off to visit with him before he passes. Simon takes his hand, smiling at him.

Claire and William exchange words outside the tent. William has no idea Simon is his kin, as well. She says she’s sorry for his loss, and he wonders if she means Simon or the battle. She says nobody ever tells you that there is loss on both sides of the battle. Jamie emerges from the tent. Simon is gone.

William is explaining the loss of his hat to an officer when Jamie hands Simon’s to William, saying he owes him a hat. The other fellow says it was very decent of “the rebel whore son” to do such a thing.

Claire wonders why he did that, and Jamie says he wanted to speak to William once as a man, should it never happen again. Simon wanted William made a captain before his death, and Begone signed the order this evening. When William considers closing Simon’s tent, the other man says not to do so, as the impressive gentleman that is Jamie Fraser was looking after Simon’s soul.

Burgoyne’s condition of surrender is never to fight in this war again, which makes William safe. General Gates approaches, wanting a word with Jamie. Gates requires a favor. Burgoyne and Gates want Jamie to take Simon’s body back to Scotland.

Ian shares the news with Rachel. He’s honoring a promise to return home, and he asks of Rachel to watch over Rollo. She agrees not only because she adores Rollo but because it means Ian will return.

Roger and But are preparing to pass through the stones. Brianna gives Roger Jemmy’s scarf with his club button on it. He promises to find and return with Jimmy.

Rachel and Rollo run into Mr. Bug, who realizes Ian loves her very much to entrust her with Rollo.

The ship has reached land. They’re in Scotland. Jamie’s cannot contain his emotion.

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Outlander Season 7 Episode 8 Quotes

The subject is your stupid hero complex. Do you think I have nothing better to do than trotting after you, sticking pieces back on?


That tickles, Sassenach.
