Orphan Black Photo Galleries

What We're Watching: Made For TV

What We're Watching: Made For TV

It's a light week for television, but that won't keep us from finding the best there is in entertainment! Check out what we're watching this week at TV Fanatic!
Posted in: Castle
21 TV Stars Whose Nationality May Shock You

21 TV Stars Whose Nationality May Shock You

Whether it's down and dirty American or refined upper-crust English, there are a hell of a lot of accents on TV that are actually complete counterfeits. You may be surprised by this list.
Posted in: Gotham
17 TV Shows That Proudly Wave the Feminist Flag

17 TV Shows That Proudly Wave the Feminist Flag

So many shows are coming out of the gate these days with empowered female characters, and we at TV Fanatic could not be more jazzed about it. Take a look at our top picks for shows that fly their feminist flag with pride!
Posted in: The 100
17 Creepy TV Characters to Haunt You on Halloween

17 Creepy TV Characters: BOO!

There are many different types of fears and our list of creepy characters runs the gamut from psychopath to freak to psycho killer. Happy Hallowen!
Posted in: One Tree Hill

Orphan Black Quotes

Alison: Felix, are you high?
Felix: I didn't know there was going to be a huge emergency, did I?

C'mon. Get your shit together you silly tit!
