Monse and Cesar - Tall  - On My Block Season 3 Episode 1
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Jamal wonders if Kendra is using him for sex. She is taking a clinical approach and she is using it as her own research since she's homeschooled.

They get possible leads for Lil' Ricky, and they break up to track them down. Cesar and Monse hit a bust, but they also have some questionable practices when interviewing. Ruby and Jasmine think an exterminator they met is really him, and they arrange to have him at Ruby's house and tell Cuchillos about it. 

When he gets there, they try to keep his as long as possible, after promising him double to show up at Freeridge. But he's way too eager to kill rats.

Jamal figures out that Glen isn't Lil Ricky, because Lil ricky wouldn't hurt a fly. But by the time Glen goes to leave, Cuhcillos has left a bunch of knives in his tire. She's impatient and wants Lil Ricky now.

Monse is upset that Cesar isn't angrier about her drunken kiss with Oscar. they decided to start over and date again. 

The 19 gang show up at Dwayne's to instigate Ray. Dwayne sends them away. They come back later and tear up his place and beat him up. Dwayne' goes to Spooky for protection.

Monse finds out that her mother died. 



On My Block
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On My Block Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

We've been running the bases backward from the start. We were hooking up before we even had a date. Maybe what we need is just that. A date. An epic one to recalibrate everything that went wrong and everything that's still right...


Oscar: These young ones coming up will shoot you for no reason. Ain't no code anymore.
Ray: I can see that.
Oscar: What's that supposed to mean? 
Ray: Kissing your brother's girl?
Oscar: Is that a threat? Don't think you got anything on me.