NCIS Reviews

NCIS Season 16 Episode 18 Review: Mona Lisa

NCIS Review: Mona Lisa

On NCIS Season 16 Episode 18, Torres set out to find out why he was missing hours of his memory. We have the full review of a crazy episode!
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 16 Episode 17 Review: Silent Service

NCIS Review: Silent Service

NCIS Season 16 Episode 17 trotted a little too close to the current political line but also found a way to keep Ducky around! What a great win for the team.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 16 Episode 16 Review: Bears and Cubs

NCIS Review: Bears and Cubs

Ducky returns on one of the worst days of Palmer's career on NCIS Season 16 Episode 16. Find out why Ducky returned and Palmer fell on hard times inside.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 16 Episode 14 Review: Once Upon a Tim

NCIS Review: Once Upon a Tim

We get to go back to high school with McGee on NCIS Season 16 Episode 14 when two men are murdered with a connection back to his high school computer password.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 16 Episode 13 Review: Ziva David is Alive! Maybe

NCIS Review: Ziva David is Alive! Maybe

On NCIS Season 16 Episode 13, an old case leads back to some private investigating Ziva David was doing outside of business hours. What did they find?
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 23 Review: Fallout

NCIS Review: A New Old Friend

While entertaining through much of the story, NCIS Season 15 Episode 23 left a rather unsatisfying aftertaste, particularly in the abrupt manner it ended.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 21 Review: One Step Forward

NCIS Review: Take This Case, Or Else!

If NCIS Season 15 Episode 21 is to be believed, all you need to do to get your case investigated by Gibbs is to punch a gate guard at the Navy Yard.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 20 Review: Sight Unseen

NCIS Review: Happy 350th Episode!

Despite reaching a major milestone, NCIS Season 15 Episode 20 didn't go extravagant or over-the-top. But it did make an entertaining who-didn't-do-it!
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 18 Review: Death From Above

NCIS Review: Dead Guy on a Hot Roof

NCIS Season 15 Episode 18 featured a wannabe-Die Hard storyline that left this reviewer wanting to light it on fire like the villains did to the evidence.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 17 Review: One Man's Trash

NCIS Review: Trash or Treasure?

Though one man's trash is another man's treasure, NCIS Season 15 Episode 17 didn't really shine, aside from a few scenes.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 15 Review: Keep Your Enemies Closer

NCIS Review: Strike Three, You're Out!

The Gabriel Hicks arc came to a head in NCIS Season 15 Episode 15, "Keep Your Enemies Closer," with the team trying to get ahead of the switch-hitter.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 13 Review: Family Ties

NCIS Review: Paved With Good Intentions

NCIS Season 15 Episode 13 seems to be of those installments of television that leaves you muttering, "I don't think the law works that way." Find out why in our review!
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 12 Review: Dark Secrets

NCIS Review: Suicide or Murder?

It was back to heavy Case of the Week focus with NCIS Season 15 Episode 12, though the case proved rather more complex than one might expect.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 8 Review: Voices

NCIS Review: Are Ghosts Real?

The team was faced with the question of whether or not ghosts were real in NCIS Season 15 Episode 8, featuring a strong, character-driven A plot.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 7 Review: Burden of Proof

NCIS Review: Switch Hitter

An old case tested the friendship between Gibbs and Fornell and provided a potentially creep-tastic new villain in NCIS Season 15 Episode 7.
Posted in: NCIS
NCIS Season 15 Episode 6 Review: Trapped

NCIS Review: Bland as Sand

After a plain bad episode the previous week, NCIS Season 15 Episode 6 presented us with a rather unmemorable case that was just sort of... there.
Posted in: NCIS

NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
