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Sam and Callen are under fire from rogue ATF SAC Kerry Adams and one of the gunrunners they're seeking. They split up and wing Adams and the gunrunner. Fatima and Rountree determine the weapons likely were stolen from Argentina. Nina offers to help Sam, in his Switch persona, infiltrate an illegal financial network. While they distract security, Callen breaks in from the roof. To get closer to Newsome, Deeks pretends he's looking for his missing snake, occupying the guard while Kensi plants cameras. Callen overpowers Bryant and gains access to the system for Fatima and Rountree. A guard discovers Callen, leading to a firefight. A guard surprises Kensi. Deeks swoops in to rescue her. Then they shoot two more guards. The remaining guards decide Newsome is a cop. Newsome puts six shots through a wall to take out the last guard. Jordyn's graduate-school interview went well. The Rountrees consider a large settlement offer in their case against the LAPD. Callen proposes a City Hall marriage that night to a stressed-out Anna. He's already issued low-key invitations. Kensi is shocked to find out she's pregnant. Deeks, then Rosa, are thrilled. Callen and his best man, Sam, enjoy a heartfelt moment. Kensi steps in as matron of honor. They are married by a judge. Afterward, Arkady and Roberta get friendly. Fatima catches the bouquet. A Muslim man hands Callen a sealed envelope. It's a letter from Hetty, congratulating Callen on his wedding and sending her regrets about being unable to attend. She lends them her place in Mykonos for their honeymoon. Hetty also sends two plane tickets to Morocco for him and Sam to help her with a side project. The tickets actually are from Nell, who has set up a team with Sabatino and Nate to rescue Hetty.

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Episode 21 Quotes

Deeks: I'm all out of snacks. Did you bring any?
Kensi: No, because we're on overwatch, not a picnic.

You know what they say. It's not the size of the gun. It's how you use it.

Sam [to Adams]