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The group of migrants that Kensi is helping gets attacked by a militia group. Sam meets up with an old friend, NCIS Supervisory Special Agent Aliyah de León. Callen and Roundtree are off on personal business. Aliyah is on temporary duty with OSP as Fatima continues to recover. Aliyah and Fatima take care of Marine Benny Gomez, whose activities Kensi had been investigating. Both Kensi and Rosa are wounded and hide in a cave. Kensi goes out to scout. Gomez won't talk. They find a shed full of migrants. One tells Fatima and Aliyah of a militia that's killing migrants. Rosa uncovers a skull and screams. A militia pair captures Kensi and Rosa. Gomez admits he recruited friends to help smuggle migrants. But he has no idea where Kensi is. Sam and Deeks find Kensi's knife and the message "11 Militia." Kensi awakes to hear the militia members arguing tactics. Fatima determines who the 11's leader is and that she owns a cabin nearby Sam and Deeks' position. Kensi breaks a window to get glass to cut their bonds and they limp off into the wilderness. The militia catches up with them, then Sam and Deeks find the militia. With Kensi, they make short work of the militia. Sam and Aliyah go out for a drink. Sam gives her an old photo of her father. Fatima informs Kilbride that she feels inadequate sometimes compared to her teammates. He gives a pep talk, giving her credit for stepping up when her team needed her. Kensi tells Deeks she wants to keep track of Rosa as she works her way through the immigration process. 

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 13 Episode 8 Quotes

Kensi: Maybe I'm one of the good [coyotes].
Rosa: There's no such thing.

Fatima: Have you seen your feet?
Deeks: Yeah, they're not great.