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The border shutdown causes a wealth of problems for the Mayans.

There's an internal clash over the future of the club, solidified more so by the wild death of a SAMCRO member.

But, who was to blame?

When the man's cousin vowed to make his way across the border, everyone starts to worry that they will be dropping like flies when it comes down to it.

Felipe is still struggling to make sense of everything that happened with Dita, but he can't bear to look at either of his sons.

Angel struggles with the truth about Abita and what it could mean for the future of everyone.

Miguel continues to cause problems for everyone when he reveals he is on the warpath because he wants to know more.

Mayans M.C.
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Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

I don't need a fucking babysitter.


Angel: Did you hide the guns?
EZ: I got it.
Angel: There are more than one.