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E.Z. wants to kill Canche and leave town with Gaby.

Him, Gilly, and Angel get someone to plant a bomb in a garage, but when Canche arrives with his kid, E.Z. tries to prevent the kid from dying.

Canche catches E.Z. and he sets the bomb off.

They assume Canche is killed and Bishop thinks he's becoming the leader of the Mayans.

But Canche didn't die and returns at the end of the episode to fight the Mayans with the others.

Gaby ditches E.Z. after Felipe gives her some harsh truths about living with someone like E.Z.

Emily realizes that Miguel tried to kill her and tries to tell E.Z. but she says they missed their shot when she learns he's leaving.

Miguel is exposed for all of his crimes and tells Emily to come to the helicopter to escape. She ditches him and shows him the four painkillers and her wedding ring.

Miguel goes alone as Emily goes to her sister's.

Adelita learns that her son is alive and her revenge mission goes sideways.

Gilly saves Coco when it seems he is ready, but Coco returns and shoots Isaac.

Mayans M.C.
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