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  • The couples spend time with each other on the honeymoon.
  • Christina tries to get Henry out of his comfort zone with all of the different activities to loosen him up.
  • The couples all meet up to talk about where they are in their relationships and Henry has suspicions about Brett. Meanwhile, Woody and Amani are noticing the lack of chemistry between Henry and Christina.
  • Woody and Amani continue getting closer and even though they haven't taken their relationship to the next level, they're showering together and talking about sex. Amani shares with Woody her past with an ex who was married and her concerns about relationships.
  • Miles and Karen have some feelings about the age difference between them and Karen has concerns about Miles' history of dating.
  • Amelia and Bennett talk about their potential future, but avoid some important discussions about where they may end up if she has to move.
  • Olivia and Brett realize that they have different opinions about children and wanting them.
  • Woody, Amani, Miles, and Karen hang out with each other and go white water rafting.
  • Woody loses his ring while swimming.
  • Amani shares that she 's not as experienced in sex.
  • Things get tense between most of the couples on the next episode.
Married at First Sight
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