Under Arrest - Manhunt: UNABOMBER
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They're taking the cabin away. It's flying through the air on a helicopter. What a strange thing to see.

It's dropped onto a tractor trailer and taken further.

It's Ted's big day in court. As he dresses in his suit and tie, he hands to his attorneys his new questions to eviscerate Fitz that he assures them will invalidate the search warrant and ensure his freedom.

Natalie appears in court for Fitz. She will always be there for him.

Ted's attorney wants him to prepare for the worst just in case. She needs his permission to use his past, and he grants it to her.

Fitz is called to the stand and Ted eyes him with menace. Just before he's to take the stand, the judge asks to see counsel in his chambers. 

Just like that, the search warrant stands, no questioning of Fitz. The judge called Ted's case a fishing expedition. After the hearing verdict, a bombing victim approached Fitz and congratulated him. He's been at every hearing and will be at every one going forward.

Fitz realizes Ted wrote the entire motion himself. He wonders if the attorneys are giving Ted something to do while they plan an insanity defense for their client without his knowledge.

Natalie doesn't discount what Fitz has felt for Ted, but agrees Ted's philosophy is only lacking in one area. Unfortunately, I cannot hear what she says no matter how many times I rewind. Maybe it's love? Compassion would make sense. 

She tells Fitz to go and finish it. Next Fitz, Ted and others are riding to an undisclosed location that holds Ted's cabin. Ted has no idea what's going on, but he's surprised when he sees a video of his brother talking about Ted's mental illness.

The defense didn't bring it up, the defense did. Fitz wonders why Ted doesn't know about it. Ted learns he has been diagnosed via his letters with paranoid schizophrenia. Fitz suggests everyone is setting him up and his lawyers are the ones who shipped his cabin across the country.

Ted thinks it's ironic his attorneys want to use his cabin to prove his insanity when if everyone would live similarly, there would be no more war, no more pollution. Yet if he could be given a pill that could eradicate those questions from his mind, he might even take it just so he could be normal IF it was his own choice. 

His brother keeps saying Ted would be happy in a cell since it equates so easily to his cabin. Ted says of course, David will pocket a $million reward.

Fitz gives it another try with the "we're so like minded" approach, but Ted kicks him out of his house.

Ted has a discussion with his attorney, Judy. She tries to give him "contraband" Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and talk her way out of the mental health plea. Ted says he trusts her, but the next time they're in court, he gets the full story. She doesn't get that Ted would rather die than spend his life in prison. 

Ted is not allowed to represent himself based upon insanity. It seems like a Catch 22. The man was neither allowed to represent himself nor was he allowed not to. He was judged insane by his attorney before he even knew he was being considered as such.

Ted tried to kill himself but failed.

Ted only pleaded guilty because he saw no other way to keep from being called mentally ill. Sitting in the courtroom, Fitz took no solace in being a part of the trial.

The victims spoke, and Ted listened. One victim wants Ted to live to be the living symbol of cowardice and evil. Another wanted him to suffer all of the indignities his victims suffered. 

Ted had an opportunity to make a statement and he took it. He only wants all judgment to be reserved until all facts can be made public. He spoke in a reserved and timid matter.

Considering he was insane, it seems the sentence is unduly harsh in comparison to other criminals and their heinous acts.

David Kazinski will pay legal fees from the reward money, but will donate the rest to the victims and their families.

Ted is processed through SuperMax.

Fitz and Natalie ride off into the sunset, stopping at a red light when there isn't a damned person around.

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Manhunt: UNABOMBER Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Natalie: The first time you sat with Ted, I didn't know if you were gonna come back. You have all the feelings that Ted feels: the anger, the resentment, the betrayal, the feeling that there is something wrong with the world. But you did the one thing that Ted can never do, and that is to look at Charles Epstein as a fellow human being, to look at him with a sense of empathy, to feel a sense of obligation to him, and that's what is motivating you now. I think that is truly noble.

You hold in your hands the blueprint for the public evisceration of James R. Fitzgerald, fruit of the poisonous tree. If you stick to my questions, the search warrant will be invalidated, and I'll be walking out of here.
