A Major Step - Magnum P.I.
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Looking for a shirt to wear, Higgins stumbles upon a ring box in Magnum's dresser and sneaks a peek.

The next day, she discusses what she found with Kumu.

Juliet is perplexed about why she's feeling dread about Thomas proposing.

Their new client is hedgefund trader Sam Bedrosian, who lured them to a meeting under false pretenses.

Bedrosian has a recording of them debating whether to contact HPD about Carson's planned escape. He's using that to blackmail them into doing a job for him.

He wants them to solve the murder of attorney Gavin Larson, an associate of his. And they only get 20 minutes with the body and can't take any evidence with them.

On his phone, they find a text chain with Larson inviting someone named Mac to stop by.

Thomas sneaks a blood sample likely from Larson's killer.

T.C. informs Rick that he needs to be bought out of his share of La Mariana so he can expand Island Hoppers.

Rick tells Kumu he has no idea where he's going to find the money.

An anonymous caller phones in the homicide.

A suspicious policewoman slips in the back door and Bedrosian's men shoot her.

Magnum reveals that he's holding the ring for Rick.

Juliet and Thomas find a restrained, blindfolded man when they track Mac's phone to where it was used last night to text Larson.

McKenzie is an escort. The john says a man barged in, demanding to know who she worked for, then took her and left.

Next, they go to the house of Amelia Reese, Mac's real name, leaving the john tied up.

Katsumoto gets called to the crime scene after the female cop was shot. He recognizes that the home has been scrubbed.

Magnum and Higgins find Amelia's brother Dan at her house. 

The killer's blood sample belongs to a recent parolee, Neal McCrea, who is pretending to be Dan. Rick texts McCrea's photo to Higgins

just in time.

McCrea and Thomas battle in an elevator while Juliet climbs down the side of the building.

McCrea takes a woman hostage then escapes in her car.

Amelia was filming sex tapes with clients that Larson could use for blackmail. They determine that Larson worked for Bedrosian, who wants his blackmail tapes returned.

Bedrosian fires them since they won't give up the killer's name, and he won't turn over the recording of them.

Katsumoto learns about the sample Rick had had run for Magnum. He tracks them down and they compare notes.

The governor helped get McCrea paroled and Gordie thinks Bedrosian was blackmailing the governor.

Katsumoto has them search for Amelia while he finds proof against the governor.

He has a meeting with an aide to the governor, who blows him off.

But Gordie bugged her office and she immediately makes a call to McCrea. But McCrea has decided to sell the thumb drive to the highest bidder.

Higgins hacks Amelia's cell number and pings her location. 

Amelia became an escort to afford treatrment for her son's rare condition. She called in the anonymous tip.

McCrea reached out to Bedrosian, which is why he took them off the case.

Four of Bedrosian's men arrive at Amelia's hideout. They get picked off one by one.

Kumu offers to buy out T.C.'s stake.

McCrea was arrested with the thumb drive on him.

Gordie gives them the thumb drive to trade for the recording Bedrosian is holding over them. Instead they turn it in to launch a corruption probe, with the governor resigning.

Rick and Suzy get engaged.

Juliet tells Thomas that when he's ready to propose, she would accept.
























Magnum P.I.
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Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 20 Quotes

T.C.: I just hope you understand.
Rick: I understand I'm going to have to come up with a large sum of money to buy you out.
T.C.: Look, I'm sorry, man.
Rick: Don't apologize. Without you, I wouldn't even have this place. You've got a chance to expand Island Hoppers, you gotta take it.

We've got a new client and they want to meet immediately. I guess I could use the distraction.

Higgins [to Kumu]