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Nathan meets with Mike, DiRossi, and Cohen to further Ace's plot. But Mike sees through Nathan's cover story and attacks the young banker, smashing him over the head with a heavy, glass ashtray. 

Meanwhile, Ace visits Claire's thoroughbred/convict rehabilitation program and is struck by the beauty and redemption of the place. Later, he stages a strategic meeting with the head of the Indian Gaming Lobby.

Lonnie decides to strike out on his own and claim another horse, Niagara's Fall. Just as the mare is taking the lead, she injures herself. Lonnie wins the claim, but Niagara's Fall only has a career left as a brood mare.

Jerry wins a ticket to the poker world championships and brings his card playing friend, Naomi, back to meet the rest of the gang.

Still dealing with the aftermath of using her crop on Gettin' Up Morning, Rosie is unsure if she still has the mount. She asks Joey to be her agent and ask Walter where she stands. Walter gives the ride to Ronnie, who is trying to get sober but he turns from alcohol to pain killers. Devastated, Rosie considers leaving Santa Anita again.


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Luck Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Mike: A map of Ireland on your mug and a name hanging off you like Israel.
Nathan: My mother's maiden name was O'Hanlon.
Mike: One mystery put to rest while another only deepens.
Nathan: What mystery deepens?
Mike: The strength of your grip on the tiller, young Israel, the depth of your composure while navigating these difficult waters.
Nathan: I'm taking my melatonin. I think much more than you realize Mr. Bernstein's purposes coincide with yours. Lowers the double agent stress.
Mike: I've known Chester Bernstein son, since before you bleeding journey from your irish mother's womb. Without wanting to give offense, your being privy to his intentions is not a likely premise.

Nathan: Answers a question with a question.
Mike: 100% solidarity with Ace. Syntax is how I know. Syntax!