Lost News

Lost Round Table: "The Package"

Lost Round Table: "The Package"

The Package was delivered this week on Lost. Our writers debate its significance as well as some of the other salient points covered in this week's episode.
Posted in: Round Tables
Lost Review: "The Package"

Lost Review: "The Package"

On this week's episode of Lost, what was in the locked hatch on Widmore's submarine is revealed. Read on for analysis of the many other answers we were given!
Posted in: Reviews
Lost Review: "Recon"

Lost Review: "Recon"

In "Recon" Sawyer's flash sideways is explored and he makes a trip to Hydra Island. Read on for a full rundown.
Posted in: Reviews
Lost Preview: "Recon"

Lost Preview: "Recon"

On next week's episode of Lost, we learn a lot more about Sawyer. Check out scenes from "Recon" now."
Posted in: Lost

Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom