We're on a School Trip! - Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
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Mr Poe was in hysterics at the Baudelaires being lost.
The kids are caught in the back of the truck and are thrown out.
They arrived at the place from the picture, but a fire had destroyed it. 

Sir puts the kids to work and revealed their parents burned down the town.

The Truck driver brought Olaf back to the place he dropped the kids off. He gave him an empty chocolate bar as a gesture of goodwill.

Dr. Orwell was sitting in her house throwing darts at a board with Olaf on it.

Olaf appeared. It was revealed that he had left her to drown before. 

The parents were stuck in the forest with their enemies closing in.

The kids and the rest of the workers were woken up to find out there was a new boss at the mill.

The kids learned that they were not being paid in cash and had just 5 minutes for lunch.

Klaus tried to find out if the foreman was Olaf. The foreman kicks him, smashing his glasses.

The parents attacked a refrigerator repairman and stole his car.

Violet found a lot of books from Sir that had parts about the fire, but it was all crossed out. After several attempts, she found one, but Sir walked in and ripped out the page.

Georgina took Klaus to her office and he questioned her ethics.

He was hypnotised by her.

Violet worried because Klaus did not return. 

He returned home later and he had been brainwashed.

The next morning, Klaus was first up and left with Sunny to go to work.

Sir got a phone call asking if the Baudelaires were working there. He denied it.

The parents are not the Baudelaire parents. They are the Quagmire parents.

Mr. Poe was the person calling. 

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Get a job, hitchhikers.

Truck Driver

Put them to work in the mill.
