A Formidable DA - Law & Order
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A wedding reception. It looks like a high-class affair. The daughter and her father don't exactly get along. He's a Senator and on camera says how happy he is for the couple while off camera they snipe at each other. But when he starts to dance with her someone shoots him!

Cosgrove says the shooter wore a white COVID mask, shot the SEnator and ran away. No one saw him. All they know is he's a white male.

Dixon fills in the Commissioner. Cosgove says witnesses say the shooter went into the northeastern area of the park. The cops search with flashlights in the darkened woods. Shaw finds the mask.

The cops see and call to a ugy to freeze, which  means the suspect runs as quickly as possible. His luck is worse than usual as there are dogs. The man is homeless and says he sleeps here. He says he saw someone going the other way. The cops take off after Shaw tells the witness to get his arm checked out.

Shaw thinks this is uselelss but the dogs have found something. However they see the guy getting on a train.

The daughter didn't see much. She cries. She had a complicated relationship.

The wife says Alan had no specific threats against him, other than what comes with the territory of being a politician. However he was fighting with a waiter.

Violet has security footage. They see the shooter is a waiter.

The cops talk to the guy who called 911, who saw nothing and asks why they think it's a waiter. The manager says he fired the waiter who was fighting.

The waiter says to the cops he doesn't regret getting in the Senator's face but denies shooting him. He says five years ago Chandler stiffed him on a tip so he confronted him. He went to a bar after being kicked out and his alibi checks out.

The cops are back to square one but security footage shows a car in the lot all night. The cops go to check it out and find a woman who says her husband has been missing since last night. She hasn't seen Derek since yesterday morning and he seemed to be in his own world and said he had to take a drive to New Hampshire. They don't know anyone in New Hampshire.

The cops ping the phone and find that Derek is on the boardwalk at Coney Island. They see a guy approaching the car in question, who also decides to run instead of stopping when the cops order him to freeze. They have to chase him into the emergency park and push aside little kids and other people waiting for rides or enjoying the amusement park. Derek decides the thing to do when they finally catch him is to put a gun to his chin. He says Chandler got what he deserved and that Chandler changed his vote and defeated gun control. How  many people hae to die before we stop this gun craziness? Shaw talks him down and arrests him.

The Commissioner makes a press conference. McCoy speaks and announces this crime will be prosecuted in state court. The only way to move past this craziness is to pass common sense cun control legislation. He sees his daughter and falters.

Rebecca tells McCoy she is representing Derek and he is not a monster. McCoy says the evidence tells a different story. She will see what the jury says but she wanted to say hi and let him know what was going on. She wants to grab coffee with him.

McCoy and his daughter have an awkward coffee where she reveals she is having problems with her husband and her son is waiting to hear from law schools. She asks to delay the arraignment so she can have Derek evaluated. McCoy says she has to talk to Price and he can't et involved.

At arraignment, Rebecca pleads   not guilty by reason of insanity, Derek has PTSD after being involved in a deadly school shooting. Price says he wants remand. Rebecca says the defendant's wife and students support him. He should b e allowed to go home and get treatment. The judge ignores her and denies bail.

McCoy wants to go for Murder 1. It doesn't matter that Derek was the victim of a school shooting. He doesn't get a free pass. Price asks how to handle the fact that Mccoy's daughter is the defense attorney. McCoy says this is just another case.

Chandler's daughter testifies. PRice wraps up the testimony by introducing the bloodstained wedding dress into evidence.

Rebecca's cross focuses on how traumatic the shooting was for Chandler's daughter. She argues that the trauma causes irrational thinking, which Price successfully objects to. On redirect Price points out that Nicole is in control of her faculties despite the trauma.

Derek takes the stand in his own defense. He describes what happened during the school shooting he was involved in. He was shot while trying to protect his class. 11 other students and teachers were wounded and sixteen kids killed in his cclassroom right in front of him. He was trying to get the kids to safety and he regrets not being able to save them all. He felt betrayed when CHandler changed his vote and killed a gun-control measure. When he learned about it he bought a gun in New Hampshire and went to find Chandler. He's so sorry.

Price, on redirect, points out that Derek was angry and got a gun and shot the Senator. He gets emotional when he enters the gun into evidence and asks for a recess until tomorrow.

Maroun chases after Price. He says the defendant's testimony was compelling and he has tremendous empathy. Maroun says Price saw something similar. PRice insists he's fine. Price sees a guy taking his phone out of his pocket and for a second thinks it's a gun. Maroun asks if he's sure he's fine.

A psychiatrist who specializes in PTSD testifies (not Olivet or anyone we know, sadly). She evaluated Derek and thinks he has seere PTSD and was unable to appreciate the wrongfulness of  his acts at the time of the shooting.

Price asks if the psychiatrist took the defendant at his word. He finds it convenient that the defendant is no longer suffering from this mental defect. The psychiatrist says trauma can cause people to perceie threats where there are none and people can get triggered and act unpredictably.

In the hall Rebecca says Price should be embarrassed when Derek needs help. Price says he is a prosecutor. She says Price knows what Derek has been through. She knows about the subway shooting. How can he pretend that Derek Quinn is just another angry liberal seeking revenge? Price informs her that her father is opposed to leniency.

McCoy tells Becca that he cannot be involved with this case. She accuses him of not having empathy. Principles before feelings? She says Derek shooting someone in cold blood proves her point. He says they cannot discuss this. She says he always hides behind that line and storms off.

Price wants to tak to McCoy. He says he is not trying to usurp his authority but he agrees with Becca and thinks they should plead this out as the defendant is a victim of a mass shooting and the jury thinks he deserves compassion He thinks McCoy is trying too hard to appear unbiased.

PRice offers Man 1, 15 years but BEcca says no. She says his boss' lack of empathy is not her concern. She won't discuss it. Price suggests she discusses it with his client. Becca says she knows how he feels and nobody is interested in this deal.

The jury is back. Derek is found guilty of murder 1 Becca hugs Derek before he is aken away. She also glares at her father who is in the back of the courtroom.

McCoy offers Becca a ride but she won't take it. Nor will she talk to him. He says she tried a good case. She doesn't understand why he couldn't just... and refuses to have dinner with him. However she does tell him that his grandson is going to Columbia Law School in the fall.

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Law & Order Season 22 Episode 22 Quotes

Shaw: Are you aware of anyone who would want to hurt your husband?
Senator's Wife: My husband was a Senator. Half the country loved him. The other half hated him.

Cosgrove: Great. Even the commissioner is getting involved.
Dixon: That's what happens when a United States Senator is gunned down at his own daughter's wedding.