On Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 14, an investigation into an alleged rape leads to Rollins going undercover and discovering another crime.

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Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 14 revolves around a radio star who is accused of rape...and maybe murder, too.

Benson and Langdon attend a gala where Langdon is the guest speaker. They meet the organizer's wife, Ellen, and also an obnoxious radio star named Bob Flynn who tries to come on to Benson. Later, he rapes Ellen.

The next morning, Ellen and her husband report the rape but Ellen doesn't want to pursue it because Bob could destroy her husband's career. Benson tries to talk her into reporting and she admits Bob raped her.

Rollins volunteers to go undercover, with Carisi posing as her husband, at a book signing. Bob takes Rollins into a back room and won't take no for an answer. He starts rambling about how he killed a man who got in his way. Rollins manages to leave but sets up another meeting.

Carisi doesn't like Rollins going undercover and Benson worries that she's sabotaging her relationship with Carisi. Rollins is in deep though. She gets Bob talking and eventually to have her hire a hit man to kill the wife of a man he killed. Velasco poses as the hit man. Bob holds them at gunpoint but then says he's joking, after which everyone is arrested.

Bob claims entrapment, especially after learning Rollins is a cop. He's released on $1 million bail and goes live to claim the cops and Lola are setting him up. Mitch shows up with a gun, having just learned Bob raped his wife.

To find out what happens, watch Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 14 online.

Episode Details

On Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 14, Benson investigates allegations against a radio personality and Rollins goes undercover after a shocking confession.

Rating: 3.1 / 5.0 (10 Votes)
Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 14 Quotes

Ellen: If SVU goes after Bob, Bob goes after Mitch on his show. We worked so hard to get where we are and Mitch could destroy it all in two seconds.
Benson: I understand. But in my experience, forgetting or minimizing doesn't work.
Ellen: I'll never forget. He pushed me up against a wall and then he raped me.

Benson: If the touch was unwanted, that's a crime.
Helen: I don't want this to go any further. He saved my husband's business. I owe him.