On Law & Order: SVU Season 22 Episode 10, an investigation into a girl's disappearance and death turns into a hate crime when a suspect is killed.

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Law & Order: SVU Season 22 Episode 10 revolves around the way registered sex offenders are treated.

When a Black boy named Loni offers to walk a co-worker to the bus stop and she disappears soon after rejecting his offer, he becomes the prime suspect. Loni lives in a halfway house for convicted sex offenders -- he pled guilty to sexual misconduct because, according to him, he was dating a white girl who was 15 while he was 18 and her dad didn't like it, and he didn't trust that anyone would take his word over her father's when he was accused of rape.

A local biker gang has made itself the neighborhood watch and is protesting the halfway house all the time while the cops build a circumstantial case against Loni. The pressure to close the case intensifies after the victim is found dead, and security footage suggests Loni might have done it. The cops are about to make an arrest when they get word that someone has set fire to the halfway house.

The other residents are evacuated, but Loni is found murdered. He was tied up and asphyxiated and then set on fire.

The cops try to talk to the biker gang leader, Elvis, who is misogynistic and racist but has video footage proving he was not anywhere near the halfway house and neither were his bikers. Meanwhile, DNA evidence shows that Loni didn't kill the victim in the first place, leaving Fin feeling very guilty about Loni's death.

To find out what happens, watch Law & Order: SVU Season 22 Episode 10 online.

Episode Details

On Law & Order: SVU Season 22 Episode 10, the SVU contends with an angry neighborhood watch group when a girl goes missing near a building housing sex offenders.

Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (34 Votes)
Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 22 Episode 10 Quotes

Fin: That buliding on the corner. Pedo Motel.
Benson: Pedo Motel?
Fin: That's what the neighborhood watch calls it. A bunch of SOs live there. Maybe one of those creeps followed her.
Benson: Okay. Let's dial it back a little. I know you don't believe it, but registered SOs have the lowest recidivism rates.

Boy: Let me walk you to your bus. There's a lot of bad dudes around here.
Girl: I'm fine.
Boy: I'm not like that.