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Benson is at a charity event with Langdon. A drunken radio host named Bob tries to proposition Benson, who is not interested. The wife of the event organizer goes to talk to Bob.

While Langdon is talking the woman looks uncomfortable with Bob. He goes to the stage and tries to get people to donate money.

Later, Bob bothers the woman and says her husband owes him. He rapes her.

As Benson is leaving, she runs into the lady and notices she's upset. The woman says she'll be fine and just had too much champagne. Benson looks suspicious.

Benson brings donuts the next day. The Kaplans come in. Mr. Kaplan wants Bob arrested for what he did to his wife. Mrs. Kaplan doesn't want to press charges. She thinks coming here was a mistake and wants the cops to tell her husband there's not enough to charge Bob. Benson tells Rollins to make an excuse to bring her back in.

The cops tell Ellen that she needs to sign some papers. She comes in and Benson talks to her. She says that Mitch is protective because his mom was mugged. She's worried that if SVU goes after Bob, Bob will go after Mitch on his show. Benson says Helen was assaulted and minimizing won't work. Ellen tells her what happened.

The cops watch some of Bob's show and are disgusted with his rant against trigger warnings. Benson doesn't care about his politics -- can they prove he raped Ellen? There are rumors he goes after other people's wives. Rollins volunteers to go undercover at a book signing, with Carisi as her husband.

Rollins flirts with Bob and he takes her into a back room to have a drink. He tries to have sex with her. She resists. He says he killed a man who tried to stop him and left him in a dumpster. He tries to have sex with her again. She says she's a PI hired by Mitch Kaplan.  She says her husband is calling and she will talk to Bob tomorrow. She and Carisi walk off and she says under her breath that Bob is a murderer.

Benson says Rollins put the Kaplans in danger and she's taking her off the case. Rollins wants to help prove Bob is a murderer. Benson is worried about her. Rollins insists this is her job. Benson says her radar is up. She thinks Rollins is sabotaging her happiness with Carisi. Rollins admits Benson could be right. She'll be careful.

Homicide has found three possible cases.

Rollins meets with Bob again. He questions her about why she pretended to be married. She tries to find out what happened to the Kaplans.  He wants to double her pay so she can work for him. He wants her to get Ellen to admit that it was a set-up and he did nothing to her.  He tries again to seduce Rollins who is not interested. He warns her not to triple-cross him. Carisi and Benson do not like this. Anyway they have found out who the victim was. It was Flynn's law partner, Kenneth Cross, who had a pretty wife.

Carisi calls Rollins and tells her to get out now. She says she has to go see a client. Bob tries to touch her and gets turned on by her pulling her gun on him.

McGrath is not thrilled but has allowed them to check this case out. Finn thinks McGrath has a signed copy of Flynn's book. Anyway they review the homicide case. It's possible that Lola is in on this. Talking to her could blow Rollins' cover so Rollins can't take calls from Bob right now.

Finn and Velasco talk to Lola. She says Bob was devastated by Ken's death. She had a cordial relationship with Bob, who was married to a woman named Martina at the time. Bob will say anything for attention. She asks if Bob had anything to do with Ken's death. Fin says if there's anything she hadn't said she should say it now. She says men don't tell the women in their lives everything.

Carisi thinks Bob could have made this up. Benson wants a tap on Lola's phone. Rollins gets a call from Bob. Carisi wants to just arrest Bob but there's not enough evidence. Benson thinks they have to let Rollins try again.

Bob gives Rollins 10K in cash. He wants to know who she told that he killed someone. She denies telling the cops. Rollins realizes that Lola called Bob. He recorded the conversation. Lola wanted to know how to answer the detectives. Rollins says Lola is shaking him down.

It turns out that Bob told Rollins that Lola and Ken were seducing married men and blackmailing them. Now Bob is backtracking on the murder story. Lola is trying to blackmail him. Carisi doesn't like that Rollins is still undercover but Rollins says he has no one else to trust but her. Benson puts Fin and Velasco outside watching Rollins.

Bob is tense and wants a massage. Rollins says no. Does he want to hear what her guy in Vice said? He's not on any radar. He says of course not and Lola is trying to screw him to get money.  He says he didn't kill Ken but he may have told Lola he did and now she's trying to turn on him. He can't live like this. He wants to know how connected Rollins is. He wants this woman out of his life for good. Can Rollins arrange that? She says she can arrange anything.

Benson thinks this is probable cause. Carisi says not yet. He needs to hire a hit man. Valesco has done this before. Carisi is worried about entrapment. Rollins says Flynn brought it in.

Bob is impatient as they wait for Velasco. They go for a ride and ask for the hit to be made in code. Bob hands over money.

Benson and Carisi talk to Lola who claims she has no idea why Bob would order a hit on her. She denies knowing anything about her husband's murder.  Lola says that Bob killed Ken and told her afterward.  She said that she didn't want her husband killed and he threatened to take her out as well. She accuses ADAs of not being satisfied ever. Carisi says because of people like her. Benson needs her help.

Velasco gives Bob a fake photo of Lola being killed. Bob pulls a gun instead of paying and demands the phone. He says they're all going for a ride. Then he says he's just messing with them. He pays Velasco. A bunch of cops show up then. Bob claims the gun is fake and the cops "arrest" the detectives as well as Bob.

Bob's lawyer claims there was no crime. Bob claims the others are criminals and he's not.  He's shocked to find out Rollins is a cop (why did they tell him that?) Bob claims entrapment.

Flynn has pled not guilty and posted 1 million dollar bail. Ellen wants to tell her husband about the rape before she goes before the grand jury. Meanwhile, Bob goes on the air and claims his wife had a thing for him but Mitch made her say he forced himself on her and NYPD sent in an undercover to seduce and entrap him. He starts talking about Amanda's home life. Bob claims he played Amanda and NYPD coerced Lola into framing him. Mitch shows up with a gun and says you raped my wife. The cops send cars. Mitch shoots Bob on the air, twice. Rollins is shocked.


Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 14 Quotes

Ellen: If SVU goes after Bob, Bob goes after Mitch on his show. We worked so hard to get where we are and Mitch could destroy it all in two seconds.
Benson: I understand. But in my experience, forgetting or minimizing doesn't work.
Ellen: I'll never forget. He pushed me up against a wall and then he raped me.

Benson: If the touch was unwanted, that's a crime.
Helen: I don't want this to go any further. He saved my husband's business. I owe him.