A Dangerous Mission - Law & Order: Organized Crime
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In the dark, we have an audio of Jamie's death, followed by a flashback of Reyes finding him. It's Stabler's memories. He gets up and washes his face. His bathroom mirror is cracked as he stares at his reflection.

Stabler sits in the dark eating a can of baked beans (probably cold.) He looks out the window and comes out of a graffitied warehouse when a truck honks. He gets in with a driver who is either very nervous or high or both. Stabler realizes it but the guy says he's good.

They pick up another guy. There are apparently Hazmat suits involved. They stop in front of a police blockade where there are ICE agents. One of the guys tells the other to jump the curb so that they're not late and pulls a gun, forcing Tweak to run over the people on the sidewalk. Stabler pulls the gear shift and the other guy shoots Tweak. Stabler fights him while Twealk lies on the floor shot. The shooter runs away. ICE arrests Stabler while the shooter gets away.

A guy gives a demonstration of AI  Reyes doesn't like it. Jet is impressed. Reyes is worried about bias. Stabler comes in and Bell says she'll handle hi m.

Stabler says if they don't find Espinoza the operation is shot. Bell tells him to take a breath and try this again. Stabler asks how Reyes and Jet are. Bell is concerned that Reyes is throwing himself into work too much. Stabler says Jamie left a hole and he's been away. Bell says he needs to heal himself too. But they have to finish what they started.

Fentanyl is killing kids in NYC, including 11 middle schoolers in one week. Los Santos is supplying the drugs. Stabler tells them what happened at the truck. r. Vargas, the AI guy, shows up. No one will let him use Whelan's desk.

Jet has met Vargas at a conference. Stabler asks if he is staying. Bell says he is part of the team and Reyes and Stabler are upset. 

Bell tells Stabler she approved this. They don't have resources. Stabler doesn't like this. Bell needs him to live with it for a little while. Maybe the AI tech could have saved Jamie.

Stabler lights a candle for Jamie. He comes home and finds Bernie's aide asleep on the couch and his mother outside in the cold.  She's worried about his bruised face. She asks when she is leaving. Stabler tells her she isn't. She doesn't want to stay here and be a burden. She says she has made up her mind. Stabler walks off.

Stabler checks his messages and finds a message from someone on an old case. He calls Benson and leaves a voicemail.  His phone rings again and it's Reyes. He has found Espinoza.

Reyes and Stabler arrest Espinoza, who doesn't want to talk. Stabler says Espinoza has no one. They arrested his mother for aiding and abetting. Espinoza says he doesn't know everything and doesn't know who the boss is or who runs the lab. However, he does tell Stabler the organizationr eskins the trucks before sending them out.

Jet, using the AI tech, goes undercover.  Stabler is annoyed by Vargas.

A saleswoman shows Reyes a computer to make 3D models of the skins he wants for his vehicle. Jet says she needs to use the bathroom and sneaks down to the garage area to get in the truck and connect to its internal information to find out where the lab is. Stabler sees a bunch of guys and says abort mission but Jet won't leave. Reyes says he needs Jet. They leaev just in time. He asks her if she's okay. She says she's fine.

Geotracker isn't doing anything. However they have data from the last 10 months. Vargas can't help them with checking things out though it can see cameras. Jet collapses and Stabler realizes she has fentanyl poisoning and sends her to the ER.

Stabler and Bell sneak into a warehouse, guns drawn. They find a bunch of dead bodies and blood.

Stabler says only the boss would have given this order. They can't get anything off the printer because the DEA has locked the place down but Jet shows up and says she already did. She's wearing a DEA jacket she got once. She says she's fine now. They have been using green grocer trucks. Jet says to use color detection and the AI can do that.  Vargas brags about how the lack of human fallibility will be helpul.

ESpinoza has been arrested by the DEA and turned informant. AI finds a truck on Interstate 87 North  Reyes watches on CCTV as the bad guys load boxes into the truck They can't go in because they don't have probable cause. Stabler says they need to get someone in there somehow.

Stabler dons a hazmat suit and says he will blend in and is connected to the AI bodycam. Reyes wants to go in too but Bell says no.

Stabler locks eyes with some guy in a suit who looks nervous.

Stabler goes in the trailer and Vargas feels adrenalin coursing through him. The DEA watches, guys in position.  BEll relaizes they've been made. She calls Stabler.

A guy with a machete grunts and comes after Stabler. There is gunfire outside. Stabler wins the fight but the guy comes up from behind him. Reyes shoots him.

Outside, Reyes collapses. The cops go after Stabler. Bell calls them off and gets Nalazone but Stabler grunts Reyes... and gives it to him before collapsing himself.

Stabler and Reyes are both fine. Stabler thanks Reyes. In the office, Jet and Vargas take deep breaths.

There is a funeral for the CI who was killed. Stabler approaches Tweak's father and gives him the medallion Tweak always hung from his car mirror.

Jet is at home drinking wine when there is a knock at the door. She checks the peephole before opening it to Reyes.  He says he needed to make sure she was okay. He comes in and takes the wine glass. He looks like he's going to kiss her. She says she thought they agreed not to do this again. They kiss anyway.

At home, Stabler sees the press conference from the end of Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 1. His mother calls him Randall and says she needs help looking for the tickets.  Stabler says she doesn't have to go. She says she does. She says she doesn't need him. She needs his brother. Where is Randall?


Law & Order: Organized Crime
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Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Artificial intelligence in policing isn't the future. It's here.


Stabler: Did you take something?
Tweak: I'm good. I can drive.
Stabler: Tweak, if you mess this up, I can't help you. We're almost there. Just hang in there.
Tweak: I already got one dad that hates my futs.
Stabler: You listen to him as much as you listen to me?