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Bell gives a bunch of police in riot gear info about Wheatley. She tells them not to attempt entry into the substation. There are all sorts of cops involved. All the power is out except in Oyster Bay.

Wheatley is about to give his list of demands. He wants a plane and nobody interfering with his plans. He wants Richie released. He also wants Stabler to "pay" for transgressions.

Sebastian is taken from a holding cell to talk to Malachi, who is honored to meet him and wants the cops to take the cuffs off Sebastian. Anyway Sebsatian wants to help. Jett says Wheatley is following Sebastian's plan--where will he hit next? Sebastian says it's up to him. How can help? He says they can't override the SOC but there is an abandoned plant in Staten Island that hasn't been upgraded since the 90s so they might be able to get access to the system if they can get to it. Staten Island is out because of the outage. Sebastian says he will talk Malachi through it.

Meanwhile, Stabler comes to check on his mother. Bernie is nervous about the power outage. She's with Miles. She's worried about Eli. Elliot says he told her Eli is with his sister. Bernie doesn't remember.  Stabler doesn't want Miles to be alone with Bernie. Bernie says Elliot is not the boss of him.

The city has food and water for 2 days. The mayor thinks they should give Richie to Wheatley. Stabler says no. He's overridden and the mayor's office makes arrangements to bring Richie to his father. Wheatley says he'll get to Stabler soon enough.

Richie doesn't seem happy to see Wheatley and wants to know why he's here. Wheatley says Richie is not part of his future and shoots him, then cuts the feed.

Meanwhile, Nova's contact thinks their boss wants to take out a guy named Joe while the city is distracted by the power failure. The boss is mad that they stopped to check out Joe when he wanted them here ASAP. He says they're in a crisis. They give out food to other Black residents affected by the power outage.

The mayor's office wants to be in the loop on Jett and Malachai's progress. Malachai helps Jett through a window but she falls. The power plant is abandoned and doesn't appear to have anything in it. Jett sends Sebastian a photo. He says to search for a generator in the basement.

Stabler warns the cops that Wheatley has thought of what they plan to do. Bell agrees with Stabler even though the mayor's office doesn't want to listen. Stabler suggests they find out what Wheatley meant by wanting his soul.

Jett and Malachi find the generator.

Miles says there's a band playing on the roof. Bernie thinks they should stay in like Elliot suggested but Miles suggests they go outside and dance. People watch from the windows as they dance.

Wheatley tells Stabler to perform penance. Stabler asks him what he means. Wheatley tells him to reconsider what he is about to do. Stabler won't. He says he's going to win. Wheatley shoots the cops  who are sneaking in. Wheatley says it is now Stabler's fault that the power went out at a nursing home.

Miles wants to spend forever with Bernie. She says she has another side to her. He says everyone does. He wants to dance their way into the future. Bernie wishes it was that easy and goes inside. Miles sees a girl watching. He locks the door when he comes in Two guys break in and grab him.

Bell says they can only catch Wheatley if their techs override the SOC. It is not going well so far. They need to activate a diesel pump motor.. They need a ladder, something Jett realizes after it looks like she's about to kiss Malachi.

Wheatley demands that Elliot walk to City Hall while reciting a litany of his crimes, and then confess in front of the news. He makes Stabler say his work history and his crimes. He wants to know how many people Stabler has shot. Wheatley says to say he's been saying 10 people while hiding behind his badge. People start saying Stabler is a rogue cop and protesting him.

The system is still rebooting. Sebastian will let them know when they are online. Malachi takes Jett's hand and says she should admit she felt something for him. They kiss. They are interrupted by Sebastian saying they are up and running.

Wheatley makes Stabler say he is guilty of excessive force, etc. Jett calls. Bell is sure Wheatley is prepared for the takeover.

Meanwhile everyone is booing Stabler.

Jett puts Sebastian's program in. They should be live in 60 seconds.

Wheatley wants Stabler to say he was guilty of accusing an innocent man of murdering his wife. Stabler refuses. Wheatley gets threatening and annoyed. Stabler punches someone. The lights in the city come back on as STabler gets in Bell's car. Wheatley is visibly upset. The cops move in but Wheatley says he wants to show them something that might be of interest to Stabler. He shows them that Bernie has been taken hostage. Bernie is freaking out.

Wheatley gloats to Stabler that Bernie is unharmed but doesn't have her lithium. Angela shows up but won't tell him anything. Wheatley says that Miles works for him. Stabler runs to talk Bernie and promises he's coming for her. He tells her to tell him what she sees.

Angela doesn't want Wheatley to smoke. He says they're bound to each other. They are going to a private island paradise. Angela asks if he thinks he can pull this off. He says he always wins in the end. (Does Angela not care that now Wheatley has killed two of her sons?)

Jett and Malachi come back and hear the bad news. Jett realizes that Bernie is being held in a BDSM club.

Stabler finds Bernie. Now that he's here she's all right. He frees her and hugs her. They have found Miles too but Elliot says to lock him up. Miles says he's sorry. Elliot says Bernie has to trust him. He gives her over to an officer and leaves.

The cops come after Wheatley and Angela now. Stabler says he will reach out to Angela. There are a ton of cop cars on the road.

Wheatley tells Angela not to answer the phone. She does anyway. Stabler says it's over. Wheatley says it's just beginning. Stabler tells Angela that Wheatley is lying about loving her. He tells her that Wheatley killed Richie. Wheatley claims he's a liar and he doesn't want Angela to talk to Stabler. Stabler tells Angela she knows who's lying to her. Angela says it seems they still share grief.  She decides the thing to do is throw the car off a cliff, supposedly killing her and Wheatley.

Sebastian tells Malachi not to screw up his good thing before he's taken away.

Jett asks Malachi if he's freaked out. She's the pervert of his dreams.

Angela's body has been found but not Wheatley's, though Bell doesn't think he could possibly have survived. Brewster wants to charge Stabler in regard to his actions with Wheatley. Stabler laughs at that. Bell doesn't think it's funny. She leaves and Stabler stares at his photo of Kathy.

Later, he is in a bar drinking. SOme guy comes in and buys him a drink. He says he's Frank Donnelley. Their fathers were friends. They haven't seen each  other in 20 years. Donnelley has been talking to Benson and thinks Stabler needs a brother who's got his back.

Law & Order: Organized Crime
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Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Mayor's aide: What do you think we should do? Should we give Wheatley his son?
Stabler: Absolutely not.
Aide: Would you rather we give him your soul?

Wheatley: I want my son, Richard Jr, released from prison and brought to me.
Bell: And I want my undercover back that you murdered.