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The Mexican-American Border Drug Wars take center stage as Detectives Winters and Jaruszalski respond to a crashed quinceañera with gunfire from four assailants.

The party’s host, Mr. Alcazar, was the intended target, and although his wife and child escape the massacre eight others are killed including three children.

Cesar Vargas is their suspect and the investigation eventually leads them to a marijuana field. Winters ends up staring down the barrel of a gun in the hands of a young Mexican farm boy.

Fernando, the boy, is too scared to cooperate, foreshadowing his importance later in the episode. Winters’ confrontation with Vargas at a barbeque culminates in his death. Winters shields his daughter taking the bullet that would have killed her.

Deputy DA Morales hits a roadblock in the form of a corrupt consulate that is providing sanctuary for Vargas and planned transportation back to Mexico.

Morales attempts to prosecute Vargas in America and tensions rise with both District Attorney Hardin as well as The State Department. Morales takes The State Department to court.

Vargas is set free because the prosecution’s only witness, Fernando, is murdered moments before testifying and the courts are compelled to release Vargas.

Morales leaves the District Attorney’s office in order to return to the force. 

Law & Order: Los Angeles
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